Chapter Nineteen

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O-Lok sat in the bed, watching Ashanti as she counted his money. He had known Ashanti for a while now, they'd always been cool, but they'd only started fucking around recently. O-Lok liked the fact that they were both on the same page with one another.

Ashanti was well aware that Lok was still in love with Tommoi and that was fine with her. She had a man who she loved, herself. But right now her and her man were going through hard times and Ashanti had felt it necessary to do her behind his back.

O-Lok didn't give a fuck much about being a side nigga. For him it was a bargain, he was fucking Ashanti and had her moving weight for him, from here to there. All these benefits and he didn't have to have no strings attached. It was the perfect set up, but he still missed Moi.

"My cut should be real nice this week," Ashanti commented, as she finished up with the counting. "Your cut is always nice. Stop it," O-Lok replied. Ashanti smirked. Like O-Lok, she was all about her money and that was the main reason why they got along. That and the fact that they both liked to get fly.

O-Lok loved Ashanti's style. She didn't dress like the typical girly girl. She got fly more like the way a nigga would, but it still looked very cute on her. She was one of those girls. Killin' it in a pair of top notched sneakers, versus a pair of heels.

Scratching his head, O-Lok then asked Ashanti how much money she had counted. "This is seven g's," she replied. Lok nodded. That was really good, he was happy that business was still going smoothly. Now that he was the ringleader of YUS with Nekhi relocated in PA, O-Lok had come up with a way to run shit in a way that had the money flowing free and easily.

Lok had always been a thinker. And as much as he loved his bro Khi, he had to admit: Nekhi had always been all over the place when he was running shit. They would lose money, make it, then lose it again. That was wack and inconvenient for O-Lok. So, he had created a system that had his crew making money. All the time.

Plus, O-Lok knew that he had no other choice but to make sure he was seeing paper. He would soon have his daughter living with him and he knew that he had to make sure he was providing for her the right way. O-Lok was determined to take good care of his baby.

It was still mad surreal to him to know that he was a father in the first place. He was scared but excited at the same time. He'd always wanted to be a father. He just wished he had a mother for his baby. O-Lok thought about Tommoi. He shook his head. He'd been doing that a lot whenever he thought about her.

For the life of him, O-Lok could not understand why she had started sniffing coke. That shit was so random. What the hell was she going through that had made her turn to that? It was embarrassing. O-Lok couldn't fathom to have anyone find out about Tommoi's little problem. He was hoping and praying that Nekhi and Static would keep their mouths closed about it.
O-Lok sat with his lawyer, in the office of the Nixon's lawyer. The Nixon's sat across from O-Lok at the table, staring him down. It seemed like they were trying to intimidate O-Lok, but it wasn't working. Nobody scared Lok. He was going to get his baby back and that was that.
"I just don't understand how you were never aware that the mother of this child was pregnant. That makes me question the circumstances surrounding your relationship with the mother," Evan Douriff, the Nixon's lawyer, was saying.

"I was in prison and she didn't think that it would make any sense to tell me. We had all thought that I would be away for a very long time," O-Lok said in response. He spoke sounding very educated, professional and confident. "Yes, and apparently you were in prison for a murder. I don't think that you should be trusted with a baby," Mr. Nixon spoke, sounding very bitter. O-Lok looked at the man, unbothered. "It was a situation of self defense," Randy spoke up.

Nyasia's father was irritated to be fighting with white people over this baby. He hated the fact that they were always adopting his people in the first place. Randy found it to be offensive. What the hell did white people know about raising black kids? They just needed to give O-Lok back his daughter.

"How do we know that you can even provide for a baby?" Evan asked O-Lok. "I have my own business," Lok answered, briefly. Charlotte sucked her teeth. "What? Running a drug cartel?" Darryl asked sarcastically, hitting it right on the head. But of course, O-Lok wasn't phased by the shots the man was taking. At the end of the day, he knew he was going to get his baby back. They couldn't keep her. He was her father.

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