Chapter Twenty Six

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O-Lok looked down at his baby, as he fed her a bottle. He was still in complete shock and awe, that he had really won custody of his daughter. She was so pretty and she looked just like her mother. He already knew that raising Storme and having to look into her face every day would be difficult. But he was gonna do it. He was determined to.

O-Lok looked up from his place on the couch, when he saw Nekhi emerge from the spare room, his duffel bag slung over his shoulder. "You leaving, my nigga?" O-Lok asked. Nekhi nodded and Lok couldn't help but notice that his bro looked stressed. "Wassup? Why you look like you just lost a million dollars?" he questioned. Nekhi shook his head in frustration, making his way over to the couch and sitting down, before leaving.

"I just got off the phone with Nyasia," he announced. "Aight and?" O-Lok asked, not getting what the problem was. He looked down at his baby, to make sure that she was alright. She was. Still busting down the milk in her bottle, she was staring right back up at her father, with big curious eyes.

"Crystal is pregnant," Nekhi stated. O-Lok's eyes widened, just as much as his daughter's. "What?!" he exclaimed, startling the baby, who he felt tense up in his arms. "My bad, baby girl," O-Lok then said to her, in a soft voice, bouncing her a little to keep her from crying. It was weird having to find a maternal side of himself, in order to raise his kid.

O-Lok noticed Nekhi taking note of this and Khi smirked. "Fuck you," O-Lok said, already knowing what his bro was thinking. But Nekhi just shook his head and continued with his story. "Yeah, man. And she saying it's mine. If it is, she trapped a nigga, man. Because I ain't never go up in that bitch raw. Not once," Nekhi concluded. O-Lok shook his head.

He felt bad for Khi. His mans was always going through some shit with these bitches. But that was Nekhi's own fault, because he could never keep his dick to himself. Maybe his bro would finally learn a lesson. But still, that bitch Crystal was really out of line if she had really trapped Nekhi. O-Lok had always known that the bitches went crazy for Khi. But damn! His bro had it like that, to where bitches felt the need to trap him? O-Lok shuddered. All he could do was hope that that would never happen to him.

"Damn, bro. You gonna have to handle that. She better take that ass to the clinic," O-Lok replied. Nekhi just sighed. "Man, it's always some shit with these hoes!" he complained. Lok smirked. This nigga Nekhi had some nerve.

Nekhi started getting up, preparing to finally break out. "Tell me what happens, yo. Get back home safe," O-Lok said to his best friend. Nekhi nodded, holding his hand out to O-Lok for some love. They dapped. "No doubt. And aye! Make sure you get Tommoi back, man. So she can take care of this baby. 'Cause you over here looking like a bitch," Khi commented. The two friends burst out laughing.

O-Lok knew Nekhi was right. "Fuck you nigga," he said, anyway. Nekhi chuckled some more and then rubbed his goddaughter on her head gently, before leaving. O-Lok watched his friend as he walked out of the door, shaking his head. Nekhi was a dummy, but he loved that nigga. No homo.
O-Lok pushed his baby's stroller through the mall in Jersey, doing some shopping for his daughter. He didn't know what the hell he was doing with his baby, but he knew that if it was one thing he could do right, it would be keeping her fly.

He had already purchased little Storme some baby Gucci's, four pairs of Jordans, some Burberry gear and several pairs of True Religions. Storme was gonna be fly just like her daddy. Lok had that hood mentality, that being ridiculously fly was the only way to be. It was an unwritten law.

O-Lok was now in the jewelry store, deciding on some ice he wanted to cop for his baby. He was stuck between the pink diamond bracelet, necklace and earrings set, and the white gold set. He spoke to the woman beside him, who he had caught oggling him several different times. Being a single father, O-Lok was beginning to notice that it seemed to be a turn on to women, when they saw a single father taking care of his responsibilities.

"Excuse me, miss. I'm sorry to bother you, but I could really use a woman's input," he said to her. The lady walked closer, just ready to be of service to O-Lok's fine ass. "I wanna buy one of these sets for my daughter, but I don't know which one I like better. What do you think?" he asked. The lady checked out the two different jewelry sets and while she did that, O-Lok checked her out.

She looked a little older, maybe in her late twenties, but O-Lok didn't mind. She was still fine. She was short and thick, her hair long and natural. The lady was a darker skin tone, just as Lok liked his women, because he felt that the darker the berry the sweeter the juice. What topped it off was that shawty had these light brown eyes. She was dressed in a suit, like maybe she was a business owner or something. O-Lok liked that and he liked what he saw. He wanted to get to know her.

"I like the pink diamonds. Pink is always pretty for a little girl," she said, giving her honest opinion. O-Lok smiled his award winning smile, the one that he knew made himself irresistible. "Thank you," he told the woman, who just blushed and nodded. She then walked away, and looked back to the jewelry she had been looking at.
O-Lok made his way to the register to pay for his baby's stuff. He still couldn't take his eyes off of the woman who had helped him, though. "That'll be $10,000," the lady at the register spoke to him. Digging in his pocket, Lok peeled off several hundreds and fifties, slapping the cash on the table.

Again, he looked at the lady who had helped him. Peeling off another ten thou, Lok slapped that on the counter, too. The lady behind the register, looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "What's that for?" she asked. Dropping his voice, Lok nodded in shawties direction. "See her over there? Tell her she can get whatever she wants. It's already paid for," he said. He figured that ten thousand dollars was more than enough for ol' girl to get herself something nice.

The lady behind the register looked dumbstruck. Grabbing a pen from off of the counter, Lok quickly scribbled his number on one of the bills. "Make sure she gets that number, too," he said. Then without another word, Lok grabbed his daughter's stroller and left the jewelry store.

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