Chapter Seventeen

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Kennedy sat across from Fury on his island top counter, as they ate some Chinese takeout together. "The Chinese food out here is trash compared to the Chinese food in New York," Kennedy commented. "That's because the Chinese people in New York use special ingredients called cats and dogs," Fury joked.

Kennedy almost choked on her steamed vegetable dumpling, as she laughed at Fury. Staying with him for the past week that she had been, Kennedy realized that Fury was a cool ass nigga. They had become cool before, since they'd moved to PA, but Kennedy was beginning to see Fury for the person that he really was. She knew it was wrong, but she felt herself beginning to like that person.

"So, have you found somewhere to stay yet?" Fury asked her. Kennedy sighed. "No," she replied, feeling miserable about the fact. She knew she couldn't stay with Fury for much longer. He had already mentioned a few times, how difficult it was becoming to keep Jo from popping up. After all, they both had keys to one another's cribs. If Jo wanted to, he could show up at any given moment. And if he did decide to do so, Fury and Kenny both knew that all hell would break loose.

"Not one person?" Fury asked. Kennedy shook her head. "Not one person," she replied. She then thought of Nyasia. "Well, I know one person out here. But I know I can't stay with her," Kennedy said. "Who?" Fury asked out of curiosity. He took a sip of the homemade iced tea, that he had gotten from the Chinese restaurant. "My ex best friend," Kennedy replied.

"Why ya'll not friends no more?" asked Fury. "Because of Jo," Kennedy replied, with resentment in her tone. The two of them sat silent for some time, both of them lost in their own thoughts. "My nigga Jo be wilding," Fury murmured. "Why the hell do you even fuck with him? The two of you are nothing alike," said Kennedy.

Fury sighed. He knew that it was true, he and Jo were nothing alike. But it was complicated. Jo had showed Fury nothing but love for years. Fury felt like he owed Jo his loyalty forever. "Jo is like my big brother," Fury told Kennedy. "You'll never understand," he then added. "Then, tell me all about it. Because I would love to understand," Kennedy responded, really meaning it.

Fury sighed again, but he jumped right into it. "Well, remember when I told you that I had a mother, a grandmother and five older sisters? Well, there's more to it than that. I was a foster child. My moms wasn't my real moms and my grandmother wasn't my real grandmother. My mother and my grandmother ran a foster home, together.

"Now, my moms. She was dealing with this nigga for years. And he was mad abusive and shit. I had five older sisters, one of them my blood sister, and the other four were all foster kids too. That nigga started beating on all of us, as well. And then one by one, all my sisters started running away. When Symone, my real sister, wanted to leave - she tried to take me with her. I didn't go because I was too scared. So, she left me," Fury paused.

Kennedy could tell that this was painful for him to talk about. Fury continued. "I was mad at Symone for years. Truthfully, I'm still mad at her. Like how you gonna leave me like that? I'm your little brother. And we all we got," Fury said. Kennedy couldn't help but think about her own little brother and how she had left him. She hated herself for it and she knew that she would never forgive herself, especially now that he was gone.

"But yeah, anyway. After they all left, shit just kept getting worse and worse. The nigga kept beating on my foster mother. He kept beating on me. He beat the shit out of my Grandmother, she ended up in the hospital for months. And my moms, she ain't even press charges on the nigga for it.

"Long story short, we ended up finding out that this nigga was a fraud. He had a whole wife and a son. He was beating on the wife, too! She ended up leaving. The son, he got so mad that his mother left - that he killed his pops. Shot the nigga right in his head, execution style. The shit was crazy. We were so grateful when we found out. Well, me and my grandmother were. My moms was crying and shit.

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