Chapter Two

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I opened my eyes and sprang up with a gasp falling from my lips.

"Woah slow down, your ganna hurt yourself." someone said and I looked to the door. A man with brown, spiked hair said. I reached down in my boot and retrieved the knife that was in there and stood up, pointing it at him.

"Who are you? Where am I" I questioned.

He put his hands up and took a step towards me, "I'm Scott, we found you surrounded my Glitchers and took you in. You're in an apartment building about a mile from the parking garage you were at." He gave me a serious look and glanced at the knife.

My eyes wandered to the corner of the room were my backpack laid, still looking full. The room was rather big. It held a bed and a dresser, then a vanity. There was a closet that was slightly ajar with men's clothing still hanging in it. Next to the closet was a door that was fully open, inside was a bathroom. I looked back to the man whose eyes were still very focused on the knife I had pointed at him.

"How can I trust you?" I asked, taking a step closer.

"You don't have a choice." A gruff voice spoke from behind me as a cold, circular shape was set on the back of my head. I nearly jumped out of my skin at the presence of someone behind me and my grip on the knife hard-earned until my knuckles turned white. How could I have been so oblivious? Was there another way into the room or has he been here the whole time? I kept asking myself until his voice came again.

"Drop your knife before I shoot." The voice was low and unhesitant. This man would shoot me on the spot so I dropped the knife and put my hands up as the man in front of me, Scott, set him hands down.

The one with the gun came into view and stood next to Scott with the gun still trained on me.

He tilted his head at me, "What's your name?"

"(Y/N)" I said with more confidence then I felt.

He and Scott exchanged a look before the gun man motioned to the bed, "Go have a seat, (Y/N)."

I reluctantly backed into the bed and sat down, hands still raised in the air.

"We have rules and if you're going to stay with us you need to follow them." He spoke. Stay with them? How big was their group and was this guy the leader? I nodded to keep from being shot.

"Good. I'm Cry, by the way." He moved closer to me, "Come on out and me the rest of the group."

I stood up slowly, not daring to lower my hands as fear surrounded me. Once I was up all the way he pressed the gun to my temple and whispered, "I got my eye on you."

I shivered as he walked behind me, pressing the barrel to my back, making me walk forward. Scott gave a nod as I passed him. We exited the room and went into a large living room where lots of people sat around and chatted. One of them stopped talking and cleared their throat. All eyes were soon on you.

"Oh Cry, get that gun away from her! She's had a rough day!" Someone with a British accent and a purple stripe in their hair scolded. Just then you became aware of the burning sensation in your side and the throbbing in the back of your head. I felt the gun ease of my back and I let out a breath I was holding. The British girl stood up and took my wrists in her hands, easing them back down to my sides.

"I'm Minx, You've met Cry and Scott Jund I see. This is Snake," she motioned to a large man with a scarf on his head, "That's Cheyanne, And then Russ." she motioned to a girl with brown and blonde hair who has a scowl on her face and then a boy with shaggy brown hair and glasses.

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