Chapter Twenty-Five

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A/N: So this story is starting to slow down. Less and less people are reading. I'm still going to continue the story, but updates may be shorter. If this story start picking up again, things will go back to normal, but until then updates will be small. Enjoy.

(Y/N)'s POV
One month later, everything was back to normal.
I would tell you every detail that happened that month, but I'd rather not bore you to death.
So that leaves me and the secret six preparing for another mission. It was only my second one since my head injury. And the first wasn't at all thrilling. But this one? This one was going to top them all.
Dana got word of a location where Glitchers were keeping human's hostage and selling them to other Glitchers for slave work and she wanted them dead, and the humans safe. Only a job for the six, and a few tag-along soldiers to help out. I had just walked with Cry to the main gates of the camp, where the rest of the group was waiting in a bus. Me and Cry hopped on and took a seat next to where Minx Scott sat. Snake and Russ in front of us.
"How are you feeling, (Y/L/N)? Ready to get back into it.
Cry let out a laugh before I could respond, "She's been antsy since day one, of course she's ready."
I just let out a huge smile and nodded, confirming the statement and causing everyone to laugh. I joined in as the bus lurched forward into the dark. Soon, we emerged from the secret tunnel entrance to Autumn and we set off down the road. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to face Cry, who held out a small com that goes in your ear.
"Here, you'll be needing this." He nodded towards his hand. I gave him a big smile and took it, placing it in my ear. At first all I heard was static and a distinct voice came over, a signal from Autumn announcing the directions to the bus driver. I switched the frequency to the one we always use and we tested it. It was working just fine.
"But," Scott spoke from in front of us, "that's not all."
"What else could there be?" I looked from Scott to Cry.
Cry smiled, "You're leading the mission. You helped me prepare for it so well, you know the info front and back."
I looked at him, mouth open in shock, "You're letting me lead?"
Scott laughed, "This is so ganna go to her head."
Russ joined in laughing, "Oh come on Scott, we all already know she's better than Cry."
"From the City mission from last year, we definitely know she's better than Cry." Minx stated, chuckling.
"My own team, betraying me!" Cry gasped, putting his hand over his heart in mock betrayal.
"Six! We're are the drop point!" The driver from the front called and we all stopped laughing and stood up.
Cry set a hand on my shoulder, "You can do this."
I looked back at him and smiled as I pulled out my gun, "I know I can."
We filed off the bus and into the woods with an 'X' marked on the road. The drop off point was always half a mile from the real destination. The driver would wait here and if things got dicey, we'd call in a chopper for emergency pick-up. We all held our guns loosely at our sides, as this place was monitored for Glitchers for 48 hours before a mission was to take place.
We all went deep into the woods until we couldn't been seen from the road and started walking forward. All that could be heard was our steady breathing and scattered footsteps, otherwise, the world around us was silent. It almost reminded me of the days when I was alone. It was only two years ago that I had met them. Only two years ago-
"(Y/L/N), we got three Glitchers on the road." Minx's voice ripped me from my thoughts. I ducked down and they all followed, aiming their weapons.
"Don't shoot yet. We have to do this strategically so we don't just announce we're here." I told them.
"We need to kill every Glitcher, and save every human. That was Dana's request." Russ reminded us, keeping his weapon trained on the patrols.
I nodded, "I know that, but we can't just walk in guns blazing or someone's going to get hurt. Whether it be us or the slaves."
"She's right. We need to get the slaves out before we kill the Glitchers so they aren't collateral damage." Cry backed me up in a hushed voice.
"So, Ms. Leader, how do get them out of there undetected?" Snake spoke up for the first time.
I looked over at him and thought for a moment before it hit me, "We go undercover."
"Undercover? You mean as a slave? How the hell do we do that?" Minx asked, raising her voice in the slightest.
Russ hushed her and Cry spoke, "No, no, guys she may be onto something here. Think about it, we can get the slaves out of there through a back way were the Glitchers won't notice until they are all gone."
"Well I love sitting here and making crazy plans with you guys, but we don't even know where the humans are, let alone if we could get them out of there without any Glitchers noticing." Scott whispered bitterly.
"Well, I could 'get captured' and scope out the place, you know? Radio in with some intel." Cry looked at each of us.
"No way, we don't what's going on in there, and if we're going to do this, there has to be a better way of getting Intel." I shot down Cry's idea in a quick sentence.
"(Y/L/N), Cry has a point. It would be the best way to execute this plan." Russ pointed in.
I sighed, "It's too dangerous, and we don't know what could happen."
"But I'm still willing to do it." Cry raised an eyebrow and my heart shot up at the thought of him getting hurt.
"If you go, then I go, too." I told him and he frowned.
"I don't know. It's smart for only one person to risk it." Cry argued.
"People travel in packs, it will be less suspicious to the Glitchers if there are two of us." I countered.
"She has a point. Let her go with you." Minx spoke.
Cry let out a groan of defeat, but nodded his head, "So, how exactly are we going to do this, babe?"
I looked to the ground in thought before a sly smile graced my lips, "I think I've got the perfect plan."  

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