Chapter Eighteen

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I was running. I was running through the city. I was alone. There was something chasing me. Nothing made sense and everything was a blur around me as I was pushing my body to the limit. I sucked in ragged breathes and stumbled every other step, but I kept running. Hard and fast. I don't know what I was running from, though, but something told me not to turn around and look. I kept running until something caught my vision; an alley way branching off to my left. I slid to a stop and then ran my way into the alleyway, hoping whatever was chasing me didn't follow. I whipped my head behind me to see what was there, but I didn't see anything. I slowed to a stop and turned my head back to my front and stumbled back, startled. I wasn't in an alleyway, anymore, I was in the Cabin that Daren had taken us to. I looked around. I opened my mouth and yelled something. I didn't quite recognize what. I did it again and again, never able to identify the words. I stopped only when I heard the creak of a door behind me. I whipped around and saw nothing. There was nothing. I was alone.

I sprang awake with a start, eyes darting around to see Cry fast asleep next to me, using my shoulder as a pillow. I saw we were on the bus still, but it was full of people and it was moving. I looked out the window and saw the trees flashing by. We were on the road, heading toward the secret camp. I looked to the seat adjacent to mine and saw minx passed out next to Scott, who was fiddling with a knife. He looked up and saw me, shorting me a smile and mouthing 'have a nice nap?'

I returned the smile and nodded, then gave him a serious look, mouthing back 'where are we?'

He shrugged and returned to his knife. I have him a frown, but turned back towards the window, wondering how much longer we had and how long I was asleep. I had a bare memory of my dream, bits and pieces, but I couldn't shake it from my head. It always feels so real. I shook my head and focused on the outside. Cry shifted next to me and mumbled something in his sleep. I looked down as his sleeping form and gave a tiny smile as his shifted some more, starting to wake up. He lifted his head and blinked his eyes open. They were wide as they looked around, confusion and fear lacing them until they found purchase on me. I kept the smile on my face and he returned it, a blissful look flashing across his face.
"How long have I been out?" He asked, straight isn't his back and bringing his hands up to rub his eyes.

I shrugged, "I don't know, I just woke up a few minutes ago."

He nodded and looked around at the full bus, "how are you feeling?"

I watched as he scanned the people around us, "I feel fine. My cuts are a little sore. My arm hurts. Other then that, I'm fine."

He looked back over to me and took my hand. I let out a breath and squeezed it. He returned the favor and I looked back out the window, not really knowing what to do next.

"(Y/N)." He spoke softly. I turned my head to face him.

"I'm sorry you got hurt." He mumbled, eyes falling to the floor.

I frowned and used my free hand to lift his head to level with mine, "it's not your fault, Cry. You can't control everything."

He shrugged, "I know, it's just..." he trailed off.

"Just what?"

"I feel like Can't protect you. Everything that happens to you... I feel worse and worse. Like I'm not good enough for you." He confessed.

I stared at him, soaking in his words, "Cry. You don't need to protect me. I just want you. I don't need anything else."

"I'm scared, (Y/N)."

"Of what?"

He hesitated a moment before answering, "of losing you."
I gave him a small smile, "I'm not going anywhere, Cry."
He returned the smile and squeezed my hand. I returned the favor just as the bus began to slow. I looked out the window and watched as we turned suddenly into a back road. We sped up again, going along the long backroad surrounded by trees.

I looked back to Cry and opened my mouth to say something when I was interrupted by a voice from behind us, yelling "are you we almost there?"

I looked forward to where Kim and Daren sat, I saw Daren stand, "We have approximately four minutes left!" I relaxed back into the seat as the bus began running faster and faster, the trees and wildlife flying past the window, nothing even distinguishable in the rapid moving bus. The four minutes flew by as well, especially in the fast moving vehicle. The bus began to slow down, gradually at first, then very sudden, rounding another corner, then the light disappeared and the ground lowered down.

I looked out the window and saw that we were going down a ramp that led underground. The light was now gone except for the bus's headlights and we sped up again. I gripped Cry's hand harder, searching out the window for some explanation.
The bus then slowed to a stop and the headlights flicked off. It was pitch black. I waved my hands in front of my face and couldn't see a thing. I turned towards the window once more as a rustling noise found my ears.

"All clear!" A voice came from the outside of the bus, echoing in the tunnel, making me jump.

The head lights flooded the tunnel with light and the bus began to move again just as Kim began to talk. "Sorry about that guys! It was Just to make sure there were no Glitchers!" She explained and the bus picked up speed. A flash went past the window and an audible gasp escaped my lips. There was another. Then another. I watched closer and noticed that there were lights attached to the walls, like a freeway tunnel but deep underground. Then, the bus slid to a sudden Halt. Outside my window, I saw a large door surrounded by people with guns. Lights hanging around the door, illuminating what I now saw was a large cave, the ceilings towering over us.

Daren stood up, "alright everyone up and grab your things!"
Kim stood as well and walked off the bus, nodded to the guards and opening the large door with a key card. She stood holding the door and Daren stood next to her, welcoming the people who already got off the bus, telling them something.

Cry and I stood up and scooted into the aisle, clutching our bags. Soon we were of the bus, standing to the side to wait for the rest of our group. Once we were all together, we went into the door. I expected a stone room, large and full of people camped out in tents, but that about the opposite of what I got.

We walked into a hallway. The walls were made of steal and painted stark white with black linings. The hallway was long, and rooms and corridors sprouted across it. There were people guiding the new recruits down the end of the hall, where they went into the last room on the left. Our group filed into the odd room, which was also white and black. There were desks in the room, which was big so there were a ton of desks, like the ones they use in high school classrooms. There was enough for the whole bus full of people and ones to spare. I sat down in one towards the middle and the group followed, sitting it the surrounding area.

That's when a woman in a pantsuit walked in. Her black hair tight in a bun atop her head and her dark skin shimmering in the harsh lighting of the room. She cleared her throat as she got to the front, earning everyone's attention.
"My name is Dana, welcome to Camp Autumn."

A/N: I don't know why the spacing is so weird, sorry guys. Anyways, thanks for 20 Favorites and bout 600 reads, I really appreciate it!

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