Chapter Nine

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(Y/N)'s POV

I let out a soft hum and shifted, a striking pain coursing through my body. It felt like I haven't moved for days! I darted my tongue out and licked my lips, which were cracked and dry. My mouth ached for moisture and my stomach growled for food. My side throbbed and I felt like I've been hit by a bus.

I groaned a bit and opened my eyes, scanning the familiar room. I don't remember going to the Cabin? How am I here? I was so confused, so I decided to get up and get some answers. I took a thin blanket off of me and slowly sat up, my vision blurring, causing me to move even slower.

Eventually I made my way onto my feet and steadied myself on the wall, inching my way towards the door. I felt nauseous and dizzy, but I kept moving until I reached my hand out to the knob and slowly twisted it.

An array of voices flowed to my ears from the living room/kitchen area. I leant against the wall and did my best to walk down it. Sure, it was and extremely slow battle, but I was doing it. Until I wasn't. I felt my legs give out and I fell to my knees, my head in a rush.

I heard the voices stop and footsteps come my way. I brought myself to open my eyes when I saw Cry round the corner, his face seemed to light up when he made eye contact with me.

"(Y/N)!" He nearly shouted, making my head ring, and he ran over, followed by the group. I looked to the floor and sat down on it instead of being on my hands and knees. I felt arms wrap around me and pull me close to a warm chest. It wasn't until then that I realized I was damn near freezing.

I relaxed into the embrace of who I assumed to be Cry as the others found their spots next to me on the floor. I shut my eyes and clutched close to the man.

"I'm so confused." I muttered, my voice coming out in a low and raspy whisper, as if it's the first time I've used it in days.

"Your side, it was infected, you wouldn't wake up," I felt him squeeze me tighter, "We got you medicine. You were out for four days." I looked to the ground, thinking. It sure felt longer than four days, I felt terrible.

He pulled me away after a moment and looked at me, expression turned from relieved to concerned, "Are you okay? How do you feel?"

"I need water. And food." I muttered and shut my eyes. The simple task of walked halfway down a hall way was as draining as climbing a mountain. I felt as if I was about to pass out.

I saw Cry nod to someone behind me and then I heard shuffling of feet. "What do you feel like?" He whispered after a moment.

"Like I've been hit by a truck. Everything hurts and I feel like I'm going to pass out." I told him, not sugarcoating it.

He chuckled and I remembered that the whole group was there. I turned around and gave them all a small smile, which all of them returned. I looked down the hall to see Scott coming down with a glass of water and a plate.

"Let's get you back in bed." Cry said and he started to stand up, taking me with him. We inched our way down the hall until we came back to the bedroom. I sat on the bed, still clinging to him for support.

I looked to the door as it creaked open and Scott came in with a plate and glass in his hands. I eyed the plate greedily and was filled with disappointment when I saw only a few crackers and half a sandwich on there.

"Doctor Russ says we need to ease you back into food, so you get this. Drink all the water you want, just go slow or you'll puke." Scott informed and handed me the glass full of water, then set the plate next to me on the bed.

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