Chapter Eleven

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(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up with a start, a nightmare pulling me awake. I looked around the dark room and sighed, falling onto my back and shutting my eyes, slowing my breathing. I laid there for what seemed like ten minutes before I sat up in a frustrated heap. This has been happening the past few nights, I wake up in the middle of the night and then I'm not allowed to go back asleep.

I decided to get a sip of water and threw a sweatshirt over my pajamas and headed into the kitchen. I made my footsteps moderately loud so I wouldn't startle Russ. He was facing the hallway when I came in and he lowered his gun. I smiled and gave him a small wave before entering the kitchen.

I drank some water and began to head out when I heard something outside. I walked over to the window above the sink and saw nothing. I shook my head and chalked it up to my imagination before heading back into my room. I shut the door quietly and sat down on the bed, looking around the pitch black room.

I sighed and laid down, but I knew I was wide awake at this point. I groaned inwardly and went out into the living room once more and joined Russ on the couch.

"Can't sleep?" He asked, looking from the window to me.

"Nope." I grumbled, toying with the end of my shorts.

"Mind holding down the fort while I go pee?" Russ smiled and held the gun out to me.

I nodded, encasing the cold metal in my hands and he stalked off. That's when I heard it again, a rustle from outside. I frowned and scanned out the window. Nothing. I got up and checked the lock on the Front door, just in case. Everything was all locked. I heard another rustle and continued checking out every window. There was no blue glow, so maybe it was just a wild animal.

No matter how much I tried to comfort myself, the rustling kept going. Animal's adapted to not staying in one place too long, so this wasn't an animal. I shook my head, it's been less than ten minutes, it could still be an animal. I heard footsteps and whipped around, gun raised.

The figure held his hands in the air and spoke in a quick, yet hushed, whisper, "It's Cry!"

I lowered the weapon, "Cry, oh god, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. Where's Russ?" He lowered his hands and walked towards me.

"Went to the bathroom, I took over for a bit." I informed him and sat on the couch. I hadn't heard the rustling anymore and Cry's presence calmed me.

"What are you doing up?" He sat next to me.

"I could ask you the same thing." I smirked at him, earning a small chuckle.

"Couldn't really sleep." He shrugged. I felt his shoulder rest against mine and shivered. Feeling his body heat made me realize how cold I was.

"Same here." I told him and pulled my uncovered legs up against me, attempting to make them warm.

He reached his arm above me and pulled down a blanket, dripping it over the two of us, "It's really cold."

I nodded and began to feel a bit tired again. I wondered when Russ would come back so I could return to bed and finally sleep. I shut my eyes, just to rest them, and took in a deep breath.

"If you wanna head back to bed, I can take over until Russ comes back." Cry offered.

"No, no, it's okay. I can wait." I opened my eyes as I spoke and looked at him.

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