Chapter Seventeen

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It was nothing extravagant. There was no welcome signs, no happy tour guides ready to great us with open arms. It was just an old hunting shack in the middle of the forest we were deep in. We walked into the small shack to see other people sitting around, jumping in fright at our arrival.

"Daren! Got a whole group, I see! Welcome to Camp Autumn. Well this isn't really the camp, just the next step to it." An Asian woman with long black hair walked up, addressing Daren, then us.

Daren smiled and reached in to hug the woman, who returned it with a smile. "Guys, this is Kim."

Cry took a step forward, releasing my hand, "I'm Cry, that's (Y/N), Snake, Scott, Minx, Russ, and Cheyanne."

Kim smiled, "Nice to meet you all." She and Cry shook hands before she turned to Daren, "You're the last guide to come so we can get started. I'd prefer to take your group first, though."

Daren nodded, "I'm sure that'll be fine. They could use a good nap." he flashed us a smile, then turned back to Kim, "You ready now?"

"Yeah." Kim stated, then turned towards us and counted us off with her fingers, "Seven. Hmm, okay, I can work with this. Go ahead, Daren."

Daren cleared his throat, earning the attention of everyone in the shack, "Hello everyone. I know you've had a long journey here and our ready to get settled into Autumn, but we have some things to go over first. If I could have everyone sit down in the living room, we can begin."

The small amounts of people began making their way to the three couches that were situated in the tiny area. Our group have to use a full couch and some sat on the floor. Cry and I sat at the end, scrunched up against each other. I felt my heart pick up. Whenever I was around him I just felt a smile come on my face.

Daren cleared his throat for a second time that day and gathered all out attention. "So, first things first, I'd like to say welcome. It was a lot of work building this place up from nothing and, as you can hopefully understand, we would like to keep it running well, so we need to be very careful on who we let it. Me and Kim here will be taking groups of three back at a time to question you all for a bit. Then we will pass you off to another guide and they will give you all the supplies and information you will need. Afterward, we go to the actually Camp Autumn. Sound good to everyone?"

Though he asked a question, everyone was silent except for a few bobbing heads. He clapped his hands together, causing me to jump, "Alright then, let's go. Everyone get into groups of three, please!"

Cry and I looked down at our group warily, then exchanged a look. One person would be left out, put into another group. Cry stood up and dropped my hand, walking over to Daren. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but Cry came back with a frown on his face.

"Groups of three only, someone is going to have to go with another group." He informed us. I was satisfied knowing I wouldn't be the one staying back, but I was worried for whoever was going to.

"I can go alone." Snake's deep voice pulled me from my thoughts. His volunteer put my mind at ease, though. Everyone knew Snake can handle himself.

Cry gave a firm nod, "Alright. You have all your weapons?" Snake nodded his confirmation.

"Good," Cry continued, "Now it's me, (Y/N), and who else wants to go with us?"

Everyone was silent before Scott gave a loud sigh, "I can be third wheel. All of you owe me one, though!"

I gave a small laugh as he stood up next to Cry. I followed him, taking on Cry's other side. "Minx, Chey, and Russ, you guys good?" Cry asked.

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