Chapter Thirty

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A/N: Since I was so late on the last chapter, I thought I'd give you guys an early one! It's not too long, but I hope y'all like it!

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Cry whispered to me.

"Yes, Cry, stop asking me!" I whispered back before taking a deep breath.

Russ walked up with a clipboard in his hand, "Okay, (Y/L/N), ready to roll?"

I nodded, smothering my shirt down, "Let's do this."

Russ moved out of the way and I walked into the cafeteria, the room became silent. I tried to steady my breathing as I felt all eyes on me. I walked up to a make-shift stage we had constructed and tapped the microphone, clearing my throat.

My nervousness vanished, though, when Cry caught my eyes with his and gave me the 'you can do this' look.

I sucked in another deep breath and tore my eyes away, making them scan the crown of hundreds of people that watching me.

"Hello," I stated, gaging their reactions, "I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I was part of the secret six before our former president, Dana, went rouge. Now, I'm part of the board. The new counsel that consists of six members established to make Camp Autumn run smoother, and more efficiently. Today, I've come to talk to you about the new procedures we will be implementing to make it safer."

I paused for a moment, catching my breath, "Nothing out of your daily routine will be changed. But, everyone here will get an ID card to use when they would like to enter certain places, or apply for jobs, ectra. Next, we will be placing in a new crime management system. The information can be found in your mailboxes, which are placed outside your rooms. I will be taking any questions you have, now."

As soon as the sentence left my mouth, tons of hands raised in the air. The rest of the six walked up to the stage, they promised to help me control the questions. Guards stood by just in case someone got violent.

"If you have a question, please get into a single file line in front of the stage and we'll stay here as long as we need." I spoke into the microphone.

People stood up and pushed each other to get into the line. When it calmed down, the first person leaned into the mic we had set up and spoke.

The questions came for about four hours. The room was still full, though, when we finished.

"Thank you for sticking around, and I know this is a big change, but we thank you for your cooperation. Any more questions you may have can be answered at our meeting next week." I told everyone, and stepped off the small stage.

The six broke off to go to our own rooms and get some sleep. The fact that we now controlled the camp meant that we had to change rooms, into a more secure part of the camp.

The move we easy, but I still got lost navigating the halls since they were so new to me.

Eventually, Cry directed us to our room after we said goodnight to the rest of our team.

He shut the door, locking it. Our new habit since the past year at this camp.

I took off my shirt and staring brushing my hair down. I felt Cry's arms snake around my waste and his lips kiss up and down my neck.

"You. Were. So. Great. Today." He whispered between kissed.

I smiled and set my brush down, turning around and laying my arms across his neck, kissing him.

Tomorrow was the first day that I would be getting back into the field since the incident with Dana. I was excited, and scared all at the same time. Our Intel told us that there was someone heading in our recruits and taking them to their own camp. Usually, this wouldn't be a problem, but the new camp was starting to get their people to raid in our territory.

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