Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: This chapters a little fucked up. Trigger Warning for implied rape, kidnapping, and small amounts of torture. Whoops, it's also a long one. Enjoy! New chapters every Wednesday!

It was a little bit after we ate dinner, just some granola bars and beans, when we all found ourselves huddled in a big circle, shivering. The nights were even colder when you're actually outside for them.
I wanted to light a fire, maybe attempt to get warm, but they said that the flames could attract Glitchers. Even I knew it wasn't a smart idea but the cold was making my body numb.
"So do we tell campfire stories now or what?" Scott spoke, breaking the silence.
"I think we should get some sleep, start looking for a place to stay." Minx interjected.
"There's no way we'll be able to find a place as good as the cabin." Cheyanne told us. I subconsciously nodded.
"We were running too low on food anyways. This is a good time to start getting more supplies." Cry offered.
"You have a point, but we still need a plan." I added.
"Tomorrow we'll take inventory, then we can head back towards the city." Cry exchanged looks with everyone.
Cheyanne, who was on the other side of Cry, turned to face him, "The City? Are you serious? Last time we went there, we almost got killed."
Cry shrugged, "The loot there was impressive. We should go back for more."
"The whole city is overrun, Cry. Maybe it's not the best idea." Russ spoke.
Cry sighed, "Sure it's not plan of the year, but were low on things we need and the city is the place to get them."
"I think we should go. Cry's right." Snake gave his opinion.
"Well let's vote on it. Raise your hand if we go to the city." I told everyone. Cry, Snake, Minx, and I raised our hands. Four out of seven, we were the majority.
"Then it's settled, we head out for the city tomorrow after inventory." Cry announced, "Everyone get some sleep, it's ganna be a long day."
Everyone began to unroll and get into their sleeping bags. I got out an extra blanket that was in my bag and threw it over myself. It was dark out, as someone turned off the lantern already. I stared into space for a bit before I began to feel more tired.
I shifted a bit so I was more comfortable. My mind started drifting towards Cry. I thought that they were just planning to kick me out. I almost laughed at my stupidity. Turns out the man I love is in love with me, too. A small smile crept onto my face and I fell asleep, happy thoughts in my head.
We got up with the sun, taking out time unpacking for inventory. We'd eat first, check our things, then head towards the city.
A lovely breakfast of beans and our last can of tuna was made. We enjoyed the quite of the forest, then went to unpack our things.
I ruffled through my bag and pulled out things that I horridly packed. The whole group got together and threw things into a pile. We've gotten new things over the year I've been with them. Much better hauls then I could handle.
Starting in the food department, we still had 4 cans of beans, half a roll of mints, half a box of cheerios, six hamburger buns, and all our water.
Next, we had clothing. Everyone had at least two outfits and something to sleep in. I counted up about four lamps and flashlights. Then we have a box of tissues, rash cream, lotions, pain killers, batteries, and matches. Everyone got a little of each to carry.
In my personal stash, I had a journal, pens, hair brush, hair ties, Chap Stick, and the small blanket I used last night. Cry wasn't kidding when he said we were low on supplies.
After we all got packed up, we began to where it all started. Back to the city. It seemed like I knew these people all my life. It seemed like so much longer than a year. We all walked in the forest next to the highway.
The day stretched on and on. Just full of walking and the occasional break. I was just about to ask for another break when I looked the right and saw a road branch off.
"Guys, there's a road." I stated and stopped walking. The rest followed suit and looked to where I was pointing.
"Should we go down it?" Russ asked no one in particular.
"Maybe it's one of those mansions that rich people always hide away from the public? That would be great." Scott whispered.
"Alright now I'm curious, let's go." Cry said, and started walking towards the hidden road.
I followed him, looking around for any signs of Glitchers.
We all made our way down the street, which was a bunch of dirt and gravel. As soon as I got on the gravel road, I could see a large house surrounded by smaller houses that had acers of land around them. After another half hour of walking, we reached the large house.
"Alright everyone get with a partner and search the area. Remember, weapons up." Cry instructed as everyone got with their usual partner. Me with Cry, Chey and Minx, then Scott, Russ, and Snake.
"Me and (Y/N) will take the house. Jund, take your guys to the smaller houses. Minx and Chey will just scout the area. We good?" Cry instructed.
Everyone nodded and we all took off. I started up the steps of the large house and looked at the plaque on the front door.
"This used to be a plantation." I whispered to myself. That explains the acres of farm and the small houses being the slave's quarters.
"Makes sense, especially where we are." Cry came up behind me and set hit hand on the doorknob, "Ready?"
I gave a quick nod and he swung the door open. We walked in, guns raised, and looked around. The rooms were filled with antique furniture and paintings.
"I'll take upstairs. Finish up down here." I told Cry and began up the steps.
I rounded the corner after reaching the top and found a gorgeous painting of a young girl and an older woman. The label on the bottom said that it was the wife and daughter of the third owner of the plantation with some more facts.
I turned my attention back to the rooms. I scanned an office and a few bedrooms. "All Clear!" I yelled down to Cry and put my gun away.
"All Clear, too!" Cry yelled as I descended the stairs.
"It's all old and historical. I'm surprised this place hasn't been ransacked by Glitchers." Cry spoke as I reached the last step.
"Me too. Think we should stay the night here?" I asked, glancing at him as we began walking towards the front door.
He opened it, "Yeah, maybe that's a good id-" But he was cut off by a yell. Cry and I exchanged looks before sprinkling towards the Slave quarters. I looked around for the culprit of the yell, but there was no one.
Minx and Cheyanne ran up to us, "what's going on? Who screamed?"
"I don't know, we just heard it and ran over." Cry told them, "Start searching the houses for them."
I started to move to the houses in front of me before a click of a gun brought my attention to a doorway four homes down. A man stood there with a gun to Russ's head. My breath caught in my throat.
"Well look who we have here. A whole group of people! Guys, get out here!" The man called out. He was tall and skinny, but had a good bit of muscle on him. That's when someone came out of the same house, dragging snake's limp body out behind him. Two more people came out of the house I was about the go in, one had a gun to Scott's head.
"Looks like you all got yourselves into quite a mess. Who's the leader?" The one who's holding Russ says.
"Me." Cry announces, taking a step forward.
"What's your name, leader?" The man speaks again.
"I'm Cry. This is (Y/N), that's Russ, Scott, Snake, Minx, and Cheyanne." He points to each person as he says their name. Russ's capture pays close attention.
"I'm lee, this is Alice and Sandy," He points to the two girls holding Scott, "And that is David." He motions to the one who pulled Snake out.
"Look Lee, We don't want any trouble. Just let us take our people and we'll leave." Cry says, taking another step closer.
"You better stop coming closer, Cry. We don't want trouble either, but trouble always seems to find us. The less people, the better, understand me, Cry?" I see his grip tighten on Russ.
"We won't cause you any trouble, just let us leave in peace."
"I can't do that. Sandy, Alice, David, Take them to the basement and lock 'em up." Lee commands, "And try anything, a bullet gets put in Russ's pretty little head."
Sandy and Alice began escorting us all towards a set of hatch doors next to the house that leads to the cellar. David begins dragging Snake in after everyone is situated.
There's a single lamp in the basement, other than that it's cold and pitch black. There wasn't even a real floor, just dirt. Lee, then, tossed Russ down with us and collected all of our packs. David pat us down and found all our weapons, it was like being in prison. Then, they left with everything, locking us in the cold basement.
"Is everyone okay?" Cry asked, his voice echoing in the empty room. Everyone pitched in a yes, except for Snake, who lay unconscious on the floor.
"We should've attacked when we had the chance. This is my fault." Cry sat next to me, repeating this over and over.
"For the hundredth time, Cry, this isn't your fault. None of us knew there were people here."
Just as I finished talking, a groan came from the floor. I immediate went over to Snake and set my hand on his shoulder.
"Snake, hey, you alright?" I whispered as the other members began to gather around us.
"There was a man, he hit me." Snake's gruff voice was ever deeper.
"Yeah we know." Russ said sarcastically, his hand going up and rubbing the spot on his head where the gun was.
"Where are we?" he asked, sitting up with a groan.
"In the cellar of the plantation. Were locked in." I informed him with a frown, not that he could see since it was so dark.
Just as we got him sitting up, the cellar doors opened to reveal Lee. He stepped into the dark, gun raised at us.
"I need you to come with me." He pointed to me. My breath caught in my throat and I froze.
"Why do you need her?" Cry stepped in front of me protectively.
"You don't need to know, pal. Just come with me girl and we won't have any problems." Lee was now looking at me, gun pointed at me.
"I said, why do you need her?" Cry pushed, more forcefully this time.
Lee walked up to him and set the gun under his chin, "And I said, you don't need to know. But you obviously care so much that I'll let you in on the fun. Were low on supplies and a pretty girl like her will go for a lot of food?"
"You're not touching her." Cry growled, sizing up the man. Cry was a good three inches taller, but he wasn't the one with the gun.
Lee let out a bellowing laugh, "Who says I can't have a little fun before she goes?" Then he stepped back, but kept the gun pointed at Cry, "Now I need her."
"No? You wanna get shot in the face, pal? Nothing lost on me, so don't think I won't do it." Lee kept his voice low.
"I'll go." I spoke up, my voice sounding more confident than I was.
"See? She's a good girl. Now move out of the way, Cry."
"(Y/N), don't." Cry grabbed my arm.
"You're not getting shot for me." I told him and leaned in to give him a hug, I set my mouth on his ear, "I have a knife they didn't find. I'll be back to get you."
"That's enough! Let's go!" Lee yelled. I pulled away from Cry as Lee grabbed my arm and pulled me out.
I squinted my eyes at the sudden daylight as Lee locked the door up again. Then, he took my arm again and pulled me into the main house. Inside were the rest of Lee's group and a few people I didn't recognize.
"Here she is! All ready to go!" Lee announced, stopping, but not letting his grip on my arm loosen. One of the strangers stood up and began to walk around me, like he was inspecting me.
"I got six more in the basement, too." Lee nervously told the man inspecting me.
"I need two men and I'll take this girl." The stranger informed Lee, not taking his eyes off me.
"We got four options if you'd like to see?" David, the one who hit Snake, offered.
"Doesn't matter to me. We'll be selling the two men to Glitchers and keeping the girl for personal use." The stranger informed, the flashed me a quick smile. I glared at him as David left the room to retrieve two more people.
"Why are you given' people to Glitchers, if I may ask." One of the girls inquired.
"You see, sweetheart, the Glitchers leave us alone if we bring them two people every month. Keeps them off us for a good deal."
The girls nodded, but said nothing more. It seemed like the strangers scared them.
I looked to Lee, "My shoe is untied. Can I retie it?"
He gave me a hesitant look, but nodded and let go of my arm. I got on my knee and began to tie my right show. I slowly slipped my hand into the boot and pulled out my knife. I stood up quickly and sliced Lee's arm.
He let out a small shriek and stumbled back, dropping the gun. I dove for it, but the stranger grabbed it before I could and pointed it down at me.
"Up." he said simply and I stood, hands raised. Lee got back up and took my knife that was on the floor.
He walked right up next to me and swung his uninjured arm back and punched me in the stomach. I reeled back at the blow, gasping and hitting the floor, clutching my stomach.
"That's what you get for cutting me, bitch." Lee spat. The stranger gave a disapproving look to Lee and took my arm, pulling me up. I stood up straight, looking the stranger in the eye.
"Lee, tie her to a chair for me." The stranger commanded.
"Of course, Mr. Sobota." Lee named the man and walked away. One of the girls pulled up a wooden chair and the stranger, Mr. Sobota, pushed me onto it. Lee comes back and begins to tie me to it.
I glare at Sobota until Lee is finished tying me to the chair, then I try and struggle out of the bindings. I look up just as Sobota's hand comes towards my face. I let out a grunt as my cheek lights up in pain.
"We do not tolerate your behavior were I come from. You will be punished until you learn to behave yourself girl." Sobota says with a sternness in his voice like he's talking to a child.
"Fuck you." I say, looking him in the eye again. This earns me another stinging slap on the same cheek.
"Lee. Hand me the knife." Sobota requests and my stomach tightens.
Lee tosses the knife, which now lays in Sobota's hands. I suck in a breath as he bends down to my eye level.
"From this point on, you will treat your master with respect. Your will only speak when spoken to, and any attempts at an escape, no matter how small, will be punished." Sobota stands up and turns to Lee, "I will be training her here for the next three weeks, then I will take her back to my camp with me."
Lee nods, "And when will I get paid?"
"Today, Lee. I am a man of my word." Sobota verifies, then turns back to me.
"I'll go see what's taking David so long with those other two people, sir." Lee tells us and then leaves.
Sobota pays no mind to Lee, though, only me. He takes the knife that's still gripped in his hand and points it at one of Lee's girls, but keeps his eyes on me, "Girls. Take her to a back room and begin showing her what a mistake she made trying to escape."
I struggled against the ropes once again as he backs away and Alice and Sandy step up. The one I believe to be Alice takes the knife and they boy work to lift up the chair I'm on. They slowly make their way to the closest back room. They set me down, out of breath.
"At least now the fun can begin." Sandy says happily, eyes darting between me and the knife that's gripped in Alice's hand.
"Fuck you guys." I say, not willing to be obedient.
"Your ganna wish you weren't being so mean real soon, bitch." Alice threatens and take the blade and drags it down my upper arm. I bit my lip and watched the blood drip down my arm.
"Hurts, doesn't it?" Alice whispered and pulled the knife away. She smiled and knelt down next to me, taking the tip of her knife and pressing it to my cheek.
"Oh how I would love to carve up that pretty little face of yours, but Mr. Sobota says we gotta keep the good intact." Alice slides the knife down the my neck, not leaving a mark on my face, but putting a little more pressure ad creating a red line all down my neck and chest. She stops moving when she hits the middle of my stomach.
In one swift move, she slashes my shirt and skin. I cry out and stiffen as I feel the warm blood seep down my skin. She has a wicked grin on her face as she does it again, slicing like it's her favorite thing to do.
After a while of this, she steps back to examine her work. I just realized I have tears down my face and my entire body stings.
Alice smiles at my weak state and turns to Sandy, "Go get Mr. Sobota. Tell him were finished."
Sandy gives an eager nod and runs out. After a few seconds she yells for Alice, but her screams fall short with a grunt.
Alice's smile disappears and she runs out of the room. The door swings shut behind her and I start struggling against the ropes that keep me to the chair. I look around for anything to help me escape. I freeze when the door creaks open, eyes wide, heart pumping, and frozen breath until I see Cry round the corner.
"(Y/N)! She's in here! Hurry!" Cry yells and there are heavy footprints until I see the Crew.
"Cry." I whisper and look down at myself. My shirt was ripped off, leaving me in just a bra and pants. I start to Cry harder, causing my body to flare up in pain as all the cuts and bruises shift.
"Someone get me some bandages!" Cry yells and he runs over to me. He took the Knife Alice used and sawed off my bindings. I collapsed onto him, soaking his clothing in blood.
I heard a rush of more footsteps and Cry pulls away. Everyone is gathered around me and Scott hands Cry the bandages and a towel.
"Get out, guys. Ransack the place, then we'll leave." Cry says, his voice low and angry.
They all shuffle out, Snake being the last one out, shut the door behind him.
Neither of us said nothing as he began dabbing at my wounds. I kept my gaze on the floor, only offering up hisses of pain when he hit a particular spot. Afterwards, he began to apply the bandages to all the important spots. The large gash on my arm and my entire stomach were the only serious cuts that Russ would have to look at later.
Cry stood, then offered his hand. I took it and he helped me up. He took his shirt off and put it on me. He put his arm around my waste and started helping me out of the room. I groaned as every inch I moved caused an explosion of pain through my whole body.
Cry sighed, seeming annoyed, then picked me up, bridal style. I didn't argue, just set my head on his chest and Cried as he walked me out of the house. I kept my eyes shut the whole time, not wanting to see all the dead bodies around. We made it outside and I saw everyone standing around, all our bags in hand.
"Can she walk?" Russ asked Cry. I felt him shake his head.
"We'll take shifts carrying her and the bags, okay?" Russ offered.
"Thanks, Russ." Cry said and he began to walk forward. Everyone began moving away from the plantation. I found myself wishing I'd never noticed the road that lead to here before I drifted to sleep on Cry's chest.

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