Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A/N: How's everyone doing? Sorry for the small hiatus, exams and school stuff to take care of before I had the energy to write. But we should be back on regularly scheduled Monday releases from now on. But don't be surprised if I'm a few days late. Anyways, enjoy.

With an entire camp out to kill us, making a feasible plan seemed to be quite hard. Not to mention how we had no idea when the guards would be coming back. They'd open the door to find their four prisoners free with two additional escapees. So, the odds were not really leaning our way, and that just made me feel like a failure to the group. A leader who couldn't even come up with a plan to save her group. Great.
"We could always just go out guns blazing." Scott suggested for the fourth time that night.
"Scott!" Cry and I both scolded in unison for the fourth time that night.
"Well," He breathed, "It's not like we got much else."
"Okay guys, I hate to break up this pity party, but two guards are coming and quick." Russ told us with urgency in his voice.
"Shit!" Cry cursed, standing up while everyone else and I followed while fear rushed through me. Kind of ironic how we survived out in the brutal wilderness with Alien murder machines hunting us down and we get to die at the hands of one of our own-a human being.
But then, as if a lightbulb went off in my head, I got a brilliant idea.
"I was a martial arts trainer!" I whisper-yelled to the group. Everyone gave me a weird look.
"You know, (Y/L/N), that's really good for you, but is now really the time to announce that?" Russ asked, his voice getting higher in panic.
I frantically nodded, "Everyone hide behind me!"
Nobody moved, just stared at me like I was crazy, so I yelled the same line again and they jumped up and moved behind me.
"(Y/N), what are you going to do?" Cry whispered from behind me.
"Kick ass." I said smugly just as the guard's footsteps reached the room and the door swung open. In the door frame stood two guards dressed head to toe in the standard Autumn uniform. Helmets even covered their faces.
The two guards looked at each other, then back at me before guard one spoke, "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)? You're not supposed to be here."
"I'm aware of that, thank you." I told them sharply.
The two exchanged a look again, then they began to walk forward in sync. I walked up to them and swung my hand back quickly, immediately pulling it forward into the first guard's gut. He let out a shocked grunt as I put my arms up to block the second guard's fist. I bent to my knees and got a strong grip on his arms, using my upper body to pull him over me and slam him onto the ground.
The first guard came charging at me, but I stayed on the floor and waited until he was close enough, then I swept my right leg on the ground, catching him in the feet, forcing him to fall over. I watched his helmet slam against the ground and the guard went motionless.
I watched him, forgetting about the second guard, who came at me, tackling me and sitting on my chest while throwing a few good punches. But Cry knocked him off me and to the ground before he did any real damage.
Cry offered me a hand up, which I gratefully took. I looked down at the two bodies once I had stood up, all in a day's work. I turned back towards my group to discuss what to do next.
"We can strip the guards and two of us can put on their uniforms, go to a supply closet and get some uniforms for the rest of us. Once we get them, we can walk around safely to find Dana and-" But the wide eyes of my friends made me speechless.
"Look out!" Cry called, trying to get to me in time for whatever was about to happen.
I whipped my whole body around to see the second guard holding a knife in the air to stab me with. I put my hands up to protect my head and I felt a blossom of pain right in my right forearm. I let out a small yell and pulled my arms back to see a small pocket knife sticking from my arm, blood already pooling around it and streaming to the floor. I grabbed the knife handle and pulled it out of my arm, yelling again at the pain. I flipped the knife into the air, catching it in my dominant hand and slashing the guard's chest.
He stumbled back, hollering in pain. He ran into the hallway and I glared at his back, which was getting farther and farther away. I reeled my arm back, flinching at the movement, but pulled it forward, launching the knife until it flew into the guard's back. He let out a scream and fell to the floor, twitching every once in a while. No one moved, either. We all seemed to just stand there and replay whatever just went on in our heads. I was the first to snap out of it, turning to face my group.
"Okay, so only one of us can go now considering the other uniform is drenched in blood. Who wants to go?" I asked, making eye contact with each one of them before anyone spoke.
"I will." It was Scott, slightly raising his hand in the air.
"I think Scott's the only one who can fit in that guy's uniform." Minx told us, looking at his now unmoving body.
"Russ, Snake, why don't you two go drag the body back in here. Russ and Minx, start undressing guard one. Cry, can you take a look at my arm? I'm starting to feel a bit light headed." I spit out instructions like I was born to lead this group. Everyone split ways and went to do what they were told. Cry gently lifted up my arm to take a look at it.
"You're a natural, you know." Cry said softly, eyes not leaving my arm.
"At what? Getting stabbed? I can agree with that." I muttered the last part, rolling my eyes.
He looked into my eyes, his growing serious, "Leading. You're a natural at leading. You're doing a really good job, (Y/N)."
I smiled, "Thanks, Cry."
We stayed in a comfortable silence as his ripped off part of his shirt and tied it around the cut.
He was just about finished hen Scott's voice echoed through the room, "How do I look?"
I turned around, pulling my arm from Cry's hands. Scott looked, well, like every other Autumn guard, which was the plan.
"Perfect!" I told him, clapping my hands together. The sudden movement cause a slicing pain to go through my injured arm, making me wince and let out a small whimper.
"You know where the supply room is, right Scott?" Cry stepped in.
Scott nodded, "Sure do, ex-boss. Five other uniforms."
"And get a first aid kit, too. She's lost too much blood and she'll lose more if we don't get that cut stitched up." Cry told him, using his powerful voice.
"Yeah, no problem. I'll be back soon." Scott announced and waltzed out the door, checking to see if anyone saw them before closing the door and walking off.
I looked at my arm to see blood was still dripping down my arm and onto the ground. Cry's make shift shirt-bandage was already bright red. Scott better come back soon with that First aid kit.  

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