Chapter Thirteen

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(Y/N)'s POV

I met everyone in the living room. We just finished a once over of the house and we were ready to leave. A little too late, I may add. We were just about to walk out the door of our little home when the electric hum met my ears once more.

I looked out the door to see a pack of Glitchers heading our way. If we stayed and tried to fight this, I would get a lot more than a cut arm.

"We need to get out of here right now." I warned, pushing everyone inside and shutting the door, "There's a pack. A big one."

"The window in our room, we can slip out that and run away from the highway." Scott offered.

I looked to Cry, who nodded at the idea. We all made out way to their room and began to go out the window. I jumped down and Scott help me balance out. I held a hand to Cry, who took it with his good arm and jumped down. I saw him wince, but ignored it for now.

Once everyone was out, I gave a lingering look to the house, then began to run away with everyone else.


We'd been walking for hours. It was pitch black, the middle of the night. We were all teaming with exhaustion.

Suddenly, Minx stopped walking, "We need to stop and sleep. Were in no shape to fight."

"She has a point." Snake inputted and we all stopped. My arm throbbed and I could barely keep my eyes open.

"We can rest here. I'm sure they lost track of us with all the turns we mad." Cry's voice was slow and tired, yet still full of command.

Everyone got out their sleeping bag and some blankets. The nights got cold, and the days hot. We found an old sleeping bag for me around four months after staying at the house. I sprawled it out and wrapped myself in a blanket. I crawled into the sleeping bag and shut my eyes, unable to keep them open any longer.

"I'll keep watch." I heard Cheyanne say, which was odd. She never wanted watch first. She hated being on watch. My tired brain ignored the oddity and I quickly embraced sleep.


I felt a shaking on my back. I immediately sprung awake.

"Sorry. It's your turn for watch." Minx whispered. The sun was just started to rise as I grabbed my now loaded gun and leaned against a tree, trying to keep myself up.

The shift was short, but hard. It was painful to stay awake that long after such a long night. I looked at the sun, which was now illuminating the forest. I looked at my watch and it read 9:00 A.M.

I sighed and stood up, this was the time Cry wanted everyone awake so we could start making a plan on what to do next. I began to go around and shake everyone awake.

It didn't take long for the group to gather. I wasn't very hungry, but Russ insisted everyone eat. It was just a small breakfast of some canned beans and apples with some water. After a bit, We all broke up to do our own thing until ten, which is when we start walking forward, towards the city.

I was just sitting in the same spot as earlier when Cry came and sat by me, leaning back on the tree as well.

"How's the arm?" He asked, shooting me a sideways glance.

"It stings. How's the shoulder?" I returned.

"Hurts." He said simply, turning his gaze forward.

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