Chapter Ten

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(Y/N)'s POV

The day came and passed. Then another. Then another. And so on. This little cabin was starting to become home. We worked out everyone's sleeping arrangements, put up watch schedules, made frequent runs to the city for supplies, and we even started our own garden to get some fresh fruits and veggies in our diet. Life was going well so far with the new group and I'm more than happy that I stayed.

It's been almost a year since I met the people I now call my friends. The summer time was rolling around once again and the plants were fresh for picking. The animals had already given birth and we started hunting again.

I made my way into the master bedroom, a room that had been deemed mine. Scott and Snake continued to sleep in the child's bedroom on the bunk beds and we found a mattress some time ago and hauled it in there and it became Minx's bed. We moved the pull out couch into the dining room, moving out the tables and creating a bedroom that was now Cheyanne's. The Guest room that was adjacent to the children's room held two twin beds that belonged to Russ and Cry.

Today was a Monday, meaning this week's chore schedule was restarting. It was pretty complicated but I caught on easy enough. I made my way back into the kitchen and continued chopping the fresh eggplant Cheyanne just brought in and threw them into a pot of boiling water along with the celery, carrots, and chicken bones.

I put the lid over the pot and went out into the living room. "If we keep them, then we need to put them far away. Like they are now." Russ argued. We recently found a farm when out on a run and it still had two live cows and four live chickens. The debate was whether to keep them or kill them.

"The Cabin is surround by thick enough brush that the glitches won't see the livestock. Hell, we've been here for a year and we had only one incident with a half dead Glitcher, we can keep them here. There's even a shed we can convert into a barn." Cry reasoned to everyone.

"Cry has a point, but what about the noise they animals make?" Minx offered to the discussion.

"The shed is far enough from the street that you shouldn't be able to hear them. And if we do convert it, then they should be in the barn for most of the time and muffle the noise." I contributed and all eyes looked to me.

"Good thinking. Why don't we try it and kill them as soon as it becomes an issue?" Scott told everyone, earning nods from most people.

"How's dinner coming?" Cry asked, leaning away from the livestock topic.

I shrugged, "It'll be ready in like ten."

He just nodded and the conversation turned to a new ramble. I went back into the kitchen and stirred the stock absentmindedly. Life was feeling so normal that it almost felt boring. I hated to admit that I missed the thrill and the risk of being out there, alone and not knowing what was going to happen next. On the other hand, I loved the feeling of safety. The feeling of knowing that when I shut my eyes to sleep, I will wake up again.

"Penny for your thought?" A voice came from the archway that led to the kitchen. I turned to see Cry leaning against the wall.

I chuckled at the old saying, "Just wondering when this soups going to be done. I'm starving."

He smiled and walked over to me and took the spoon from my hand and dipped it into the broth. After sipping the steaming liquid from the spoon, he smiled, "Tastes done. And delicious. Monday is always my favorite day because your food is the best out of anyone's here."

"Thanks! I try my best." I laughed and began getting out the bowls from the cabinet. Cry got out spoons as I began taking the bones out of the stock and putting out the fire I used to cook.

Glitched! Cryaotic x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now