Chapter Eight

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We all stood crowded around the master bed. Russ set his hand on (Y/N)'s forehead and nodded at me, "She has a fever."

I cursed under my breath, "Why won't she wake up?"

Russ lifted the side of her shirt, beginning to take off the bandages and pointed, "That's why."

I looked down at the burn to see her entire side was red and the actual cut look like it was- "It's infected."

Russ nodded, "We need penicillin."

"Where can we get that?" Asked Minx.

"We can try and find a pharmacy in the City, but that's a three day's walk away and I don't know if she can last that long." Russ informed the group.

Snake pulled a map out of his pocket and looked as we all stared at him.

"There is a small town only three hours from here, but we'll be heading away from the cabin." He set the map down on the bed and pointed to the area marked 'cabin' and the town.

"We can split up? Half of us go to town and the other half take her back to the cabin. We can meet back there in two days. Maybe one if we walk through the night." I suggested, getting wary looks from the group.

"That's pretty dangerous, Cry." Scott said what everyone was thinking. He always did.

"She'll die if we don't." Snake told us and everyone went quite.

"Now who is going into the city?"


We all stood outside the sewer on the outside of the camp. Me, Russ, and Snake all put together a sheet contraption that doubled as a stretcher for (Y/N). Minx, Scott, and Russ were going to carry her to the log cabin while me, Snake, and Cheyanne were going to walk to the town and see if we can get penicillin. It was a stretch, but we didn't have any other options.

Each group bid goodbyes to each other and we started towards the city.

"We should get to the city, then back to Croation before nightfall. We can sleep a few hours and eat, then we'll hit the road towards the cabin and hopefully be there before nightfall the next day." I spoke to the group as we walked.

"That's a lot of walking." Cheyanne mumbled under her breath.

I opened my mouth to say something, but Snake beat me to it, "A group member's life is at risk and you're worried about too much walking?"

Cheyanne grunted, but kept her mouth shut. I shot a small smile to Snake for sticking up for (Y/N), earning a nod in return.

The three hours of walking really beat the eight hour blocks of time we spent walking. We reached the small town and it was deserted except for some dead bodies, but every town had those these days.

"We should split up, we'll find the pharmacy faster that way. Don't loot for anything else, we need to hurry." I told anyone and started straight forward. I heard the shuffle of feet and turned to see them taking opposite directions. I pulled out my gun and started to investigate the buildings, peeking through the windows to get an idea of what's what.

"Over here, guys!" Cheyanne yelled from a few streets away. I was impressed I heard her. I started running towards the pharmacy and skidded to a halt in front of it, Cheyanne and Snake waiting for me outside. I sucked in air and pushed open the door. I opened up the blinds and let the light drift through the aisles.

We started scanning up and down for items that could be of use. I fingered the pill containers that were on the shelves, turning the labels towards me so I could read them. I fumbled until I hit large bottle and I read the label. Penicillin!

"Guys, I got it! Let's head out." I said and started making my way out the door.

"Cry, wait, shouldn't we grab some other meds just in case?" Cheyanne asked, her head popping up from behind the counter.

I knew it was the smart thing to do, but (Y/N) needed this and soon. Snake must have saw my hesitation as he put a hand on my shoulder and whispered, "Don't let your feelings for her get in the way of everyone else's health, Cry."

I felt heat rise to my cheeks. Was I really that obvious? I nodded to him, "Yea, thanks Snake. Grab anything that looks useful!"

Cheyanne grunted while Snake went to the isles and started grabbing random things and throwing them into a sack he found on the other side of the store. I grabbed the same bag off the floor and started pouring things into it. We get first aid things and even some simple snacks that weren't already looted.

Once we finished, we all met at the front door, "Alright, let's head out."

The sun dipped below the sky as we set up camp in the woods next to Croation. After last night, staying there wasn't the best idea. I set a small alarm on my watch for three hours.

"We'll each watch for an hour. Then head out towards the cabin." I told them as I laid on my sleeping bag.

Cheyanne took over first shift, so I set my head down and took a breath, shutting my eyes.


The three hours passes quickly and we were soon back on the road. The entire trip was filled with stress, with me just wanting to get this medicine to (Y/N). The walk seemed to take double what it did last time, but due to my speed walking, we made it to the cabin a half hour earlier then anticipated.

We knocked on the door, making sure to announce ourselves. The door swung open and I rushed past who I assumed was Russ and walked into the kitchen, then made my way to the living room, where Scott and Minx had been sitting. Everyone made their way to the main bedroom. I saw her frail form laying on the bed, a small blanket covering her lower body.

She looked paler then usual and seemed to look smaller, that's when it hit me, "Has she eaten in the past two days?"

"We tried, but she threw it all back up. It's pretty hard to make an unconscious girl chew." Scott answered, trying to lighten the mood a bit. It didn't really work.

I rummaged through my bag until I pulled out the appropriate medication.

"Here." Minx said, taking the bottle and leaving the room. She came back shortly afterwards with a half filled water bottle.

"She needs to drink all of this." Minx handed me the bottle and left, Russ and Cheyanne following.

I sat next her in bed and Scott climbed up by her head and gently laid it in his lap, elevating it a little. Snake grabbed a rag just in case shit rejected the liquid.

I opened the bottle and began pouring a small stream into her mouth, earning no reaction from her. I stopped and we all waited. I continued after a moment. We repeated this process until the bottle was empty.

"I'll keep her head up, why don't you go get some rest, Cry?" Scott offered. I nodded and made my way into Scott's bed for the time being and let my drowsiness take me. 

A/N: From now on, chapters will be released every other day until further notice.


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