Chapter Sixteen

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We decided that after packing up and eating, the day would already be over by the time we got to the city. Even if it's only the outskirts, going to the city at night would practically be suicide. One more night in the woods wouldn't kill us. We just put the fire out, eating a big meal so we wouldn't immediately need breakfast in the morning.

Getting up before dawn and packing, then heading out would be hard enough, but I was feeling sicker by the minute. Maybe it was the fact Cry had mentioned it, or maybe I really was getting worse. Either way, I felt terrible. I barely had an appetite, anything I drank, I threw up minutes later.

I was just falling asleep when I heard a rustling in the trees. I groaned quietly, but cracked my eyes open to see a human form a few feet away. I could tell they had their gun drawn, but I couldn't tell who it was in the darkness. I moved ever so slowly towers my gun and nudged the groggy Cry beside me.

He let out a low hum of defiance as the figure began to walk away. I nudged him harder and he faced my back, leaning close to my ear, "That shadow isn't from out group is it?"

I gave a slight shake of the head, his low voice still echoing in my head as the realization hit. I finally felt my hand wrap around the nozzle of my gun and began to pull in forward. That's when I felt a wave of nausea hit like a brick. I gasped out loud and dropped the gun, clutching my head to get the pain to stop. I leaned over and emptied any of the meal I had just eaten.

I felt Cry leap from behind me, taking the gun with him. He yelled out and the shadow whipped around and aimed his gun at Cry. He fired it off, and Cry ducked down, barely missing it. More ruffling of leaves and I saw the horrors around me. Our entire group was surround by figures. I lunged for Cry's bag, trying to ignore the ringing in my head from the gunshot.

"Don't move! We've got you all surrounded! Just put down your weapons or we shoot!" The man I originally saw shouted. Cry grunted, but threw his hands up and dropped the gun. He was the leader, so we all followed suit. I looked to see the rest of our group throw down their weapons. I snuck the gun into my waistband and threw my hands in the air, hoping no one saw.

"What the hell do you want from us?" Cry growled out, low, but loud enough so everyone can hear.

"We've been following you all for the past few weeks, mate." The man who I assumed to be in charge said, "We're seeing if your good material for our camp, good people. We don't mean any harm, mate, really."

"Then drop your weapons!" Cry returned, stealing a look to me where I was on the ground, hands up.

"You heard him!" The man yelled as he set his gun back in its Hollister. After a moment's hesitation, everyone put away the guns and knives.

"I'm Daren, leader of the armies. We come from a refugee camp called Camp Autumn." 'Daren' walked over to Cry and help out his hand, "And I take it you're the leader of this group?"

Cry looked down at the hand for a moment before shaking it and nodding, "Yes, I am. How come we've never heard of this place? is it new?" They stopped shaking and I felt safe enough to lower my hands.

"We don't exactly advertise it everywhere, that was the downfall of all the over camps we know about. We're underground, seeking out new arrivals." Daren informed us all.

Cry nodded, taking in the information. It was silent for a long moment, no one knew what to say, so I spoke up.

"So are you ganna take us there?" I asked from my spot on the ground. Everyone's eyes fell on me. I would've stood, but I didn't trust myself not to vomit everywhere.

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