Chapter Twenty-Two

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A/N: Some violence in this and one major time skip. I might have to switch back to one chapter a week because I'm catching up to my pre-written chapters faster then anticipated and not writing as much as I thought I would, but we'll see. Enjoy!

Time was a fleeting idea composed by humans a long time ago to fool ourselves into thinking we had the slightest understanding of anything in this world. It was integrated into our society for thousands of years, just so we had some idea of what the hell we were doing. I, personally, love the idea of time. It's as strange concept and something that most can't wrap their head around.

Like I said, though, I was a fan of it. I loved the feeling of looking back to something that happens a year ago and thinking it was just yesterday, because to me, it really feels like it was just yesterday. Like when I first arrived at Camp Autumn. IT felt so long ago, but at the same time it didn't feel like I've been here for a year. So much has changed, now. In a year, two years, It's incredible how much different your life could be.

For example, One year ago, when I arrived at Camp Autumn with the late night crew, I would have never expected this is where I'd end up; Hiding in an abandoned building, holding my breath so the Glitchers won't see me or hear me or fine me. It was scary, time and the Glitchers, but right now, mostly the Glitcher that was peaking around my abandoned building hiding spot. The blue glow was shooting around the walls, which was less than comforting.

God, when were they going to get here? I couldn't hold off this Glitcher by myself. It was about a foot bigger than any normal Glitcher and it was obviously skilled at tracking. It was moments like these when I really wish this wasn't my job. Then, making me jump, a gunshot rang out and the blue glow flickered before disappearing. I let out the breath I was holding and stood up, gun in hand, and ready to finally put this plan into action.

I sprinted out the building, into the empty streets of this lowly city in who-knows-where. Cry set a hand on my shoulder, looking me up and down, "You good?"

I gave him a quick nod, scanning the buildings around us until my eyes caught sight of the pack. Right on schedule. Cry followed my eyes and shot me a smile, which I quickly returned. All according to plan.

The Glitchers spotted us only moments later and started to Glitch towards us. When they were just a bit to close, I raised by gun in the air and shot off a bullet into the sky. Cry took my hands and we began printing down the street. It was all real nerve racking, but I enjoyed the thrill. Being locked up in an underground Camp for the rest of my days wasn't my idea of exciting.

Then, the plan paid off. Cry and I rounded the corner into an alleyway and the pack Glitched in front of us, weapons at the ready. We backed against the far wall, my heart quickening. This was usually the scariest part. And one of us usually got hurt at this point. The head Glitcher rose his wipe and almost striked down when I hear the best noise in the world: A helicopter.

Right on time, a ladder dropped down right in front of my and Cry. We hooked our arms onto the ladder and the copter was pulling us up to safety. The Glitcher jumped with his whip, though, and ended up catching me in the leg. I felt the electrical current run through me, soon replaced with a sting on my ankle. I looked down and shrugged, I had way worse.

Once we were high enough, I saw the snipers lining the rooftops that surrounded the Glitchers, and once we were even higher, they started firing, each in the pack dropping down. And the plan was a success. I sighed as the team in the chopper started pulling up the rope. I climbed in first, sitting on the floor and looking at my ankle. Cry was tossed next to me and bent down to look at the wound himself.

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