Chapter Three

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The meal was more than amazing, it was like a small slice from heaven. My stomach felt full for the first time in two years. I sat on the couch with Russ, who was taking a look at my side. Apparently he knew the most about medicine than anyone else.

"This may hurt." He told me before a cold cream connected with my burn. I cringed as it hit from the change in temperature but bit my lip to keep from crying out as the lotion felt like it was acid on my skin.

"Fuck." I breathed out, hands squeezing the couch cushions.

"Sorry, were done. Why don't you get some rest." He apologized before pulling my shirt back down.

"Thanks, Russ." I stood and he nodded back at me and I stalked off to my room. I looked at my watch that was perched on the night table. It was already 9 O'clock and I got up at 6 that morning. I could feel exhaustion draining into me.

I brushed my hair and laid down in the soft bed, draping a light blanket over me considering it was warm in the room. I reached over and shut off the light and drifted off into the first comfortable sleep I've had in a while.

It was dark except for a soft glow that came from the Glitcher. I couldn't remember why I was out on the city streets at night, but here I was, hiding from three Glitchers. I held my breath at the lights got closer and closer until the car I was hiding behind flipped over. I yelled and scurried away from them only to run into one. Its electricity coursing through me caused me to fall to the ground. I groaned before a pain blossomed in my side and a screech filled the air.

I sat up quickly, grasping my side in pain and muttering curses as I looked around the room. It was still pitch black and I couldn't see anything. I reached over to the nightstand and flipped on the light. I stood up and searched the room, not finding anything. I laid back in bed and turned off the light. After a few minutes I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. I flipped on the light again and made my way out of the room, careful to be quite as I approached the balcony the came off the living room.

I quietly opened the door and slid out, pulling it shut behind me and the cool air surrounded me. I turned around to see a figure pointing a gun at me.

"It's (Y/N)! It's (Y/N)!" I whispered franticly and the person let out a breath and lowered the weapon. The moonlight illuminated their face and I saw Cry look down at the streets.

"Why are you awake?" He asked, still seeming tense. I haven't known him for long enough to tell if this is how he usually is, but I hoped not.

"I could ask you the same." I told him and looked up at the sky, studying the stars.

"I couldn't sleep." He confessed and followed my eyes to the sky.

"Me either." I mumbled and sank to the cold hard floor and leaned my back against the railing. Not the most comfortable position, but it'll have to do. Cry slid down next to me and sighed.

It was quite, like an awkward silence but I couldn't think of anything to say.

"What'd you used to do before this?" He asked, breaking the Ice. I thanked him in my head for starting conversation.

"I was a Martial Arts trainer," I paused,

"I made YouTube videos." He chuckled, "Those are quite the different jobs."

I gave a soft laughed, "They really are."

"So, you know how to fight then?" He questioned, turning his head towards me as I continued to look at the sky.

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