Chapter 1: Good Bye Mystic Falls

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I do not own The Vampire Diaries or Teen Wolf. I did make up the character of Isabella

"I can't believe it. They're dead. What am I going to do? I can't face anyone because of their sad and pitying looks. And all I ever hear people say any more is 'Isabella, are you ok?' or, 'How are you holding up, Izzy?' I am so sick of people reminding me that my parents are dead! I don't know how I can face school tomorrow. Jenna, what do I do?"

My aunt Jenna looks at me sadly and says, "Iz, Elena will be there with you, you will be ok."

I sigh, "Fine, but I still don't want to go!"

"That's because you don't want to get up early." Jenna jokes.

I scowl at her and walk upstairs. So for the remainder of my summer break (which was less than 12 hours) I watch some shows on Netflix until around 1 am. I then go to the bathroom before bed. I have a slight problem, I am cutting myself. I KNOW, I know what your thinking, and stop it, ok? Just stop. My life isn't that important and my parents died while my twin sister almost died along with them. I feel worthless. So I do my... thing and go to bed.

The last thought in my head was, "How am I going to do this?"


The next day I was awoken by me. Wait, what? I wake up and there I am, staring. I look more closely and as I wake up more I realize. "Damn it Elena! How are you getting so good at that?"

Elena giggles as she says, "Well, I had to get you up and ask, why is there a red spot on your bed?"

I look down and see a little splotch of red. Damn it, "Umm... I--"

"Were you eating chips with salsa without me?" Elena asks sternly.

"That's exactly what I did and I am not afraid to admit it," I reply, thankful for the opportunity to lie my ass off.

"Ok, well get dressed, Jenna made some waffles," Elena says as she leaves my room. Just then I smell the waffles and get ready as quick as I can. I run down stairs and inhale at least 3 waffles and take a fourth to school.

The moment Jeremy (my brother), Elena and I got to school, I knew this would be a bad day. I walk straight to get my schedule while my sister goes towards Bonnie and Caroline, our best friends. I see that Elena was looking towards the guys bathroom, where Jeremy is. Great I thought, he's already back to sniffing drugs. I couldn't really be mad, I mean, my arms would  say that I am being very hypocritical.

Elena gets really mad and walks straight into the boys bathroom. I sigh inwardly and walk to my first class: math. As I walk in, I could see all eyes on me. I am really uncomfortable as I walk and take a seat in the back. As the day goes by, I felt the looks of pity from everyone! I finally brake and run from History, all the way home.

I run through the door, slamming it. I then slide down the door, crying. I start digging my nails into the cuts on my arms, making them sore. I don't even notice Jenna crouch down beside me.

All of a sudden I hear, "What happened Izzy?" I slowly look up and see Jenna looking at me, worried. I keep sobbing, unable to speak.

Jenna then tries to grab my arm to help me up but when she does, I felt pain. I look down and see that I had opened up one of my cuts. Jenna then carefully tries to role up my sleeve. I protest but it is no use. She sees them. I look down ashamed, when I hear her say, "That bad, huh?" I then look up and nod. She says, "If it's really that bad, what can I do?"

What? She wants to help? She's not mad about the scars? "I-I don't know... But I can't go back to that school, where everyone knows me as 'the girl who lost her parents'"

Jenna suddenly says, "What if you transfer? I have a friend, the sheriff actually, in a town in California and--"

"Perfect, just far enough away," I say, smiling. Jenna looks at me, smiling but with hurt in her eyes. Then it occurs to me. "What do we tell Elena and Jeremy? I don't want them to know where I am going, for now. I just need to start fresh" I ask with pleading eyes.

"We can tell them that you went off to boarding school because everything here reminded you of your parents and you wanted to get away for a little bit."

"Thank you Jenna," I say, hugging her. "Can you not tell your friend what happened to Mom and Dad? I want to be the new girl, not the new orphan." She nods but I also don't want to face Elena and Jeremy so I ask her if I could leave tonight.

"Is that what you really want? To leave so quickly?" Jenna asks.

"Yes, I need to go Jenna, before I explode."

"Ok, well we can all go out to dinner tonight and say good bye. If your leaving tonight, go pack while I get you a plane ticket."

I walk up the stairs slowly and start to pack. I can't believe it, I'm leaving!


The dinner was really nice and Elena and Jeremy didn't complain much because I was leaving and they wanted this night to be good. They all drive me to the airport and say goodbye. When Jenna says goodbye, she slips a big envelope in my purse and whispers, "I gave you some money and when you get to the airport look for 'Sheriff Stilinski'. Be safe, OK?"

"I will, thank you Jenna."

I then turn around and walk straight into the airport.


The plane ride was long but I was able to do some research about the town I was going to (I had printed out information to read on the plane). The town seemed ok, it was a little small, like Mystic Falls. There was a fire a few years back and most of a family died. I feel sorry for the survivors.

As I get off the plane I look around for a sheriff. I then notice a skinny boy with an older man standing next him. I feel like I met the older guy before, so I go over and ask if he knew where people would come to pick up from the airport.

The kid scoffs while the older man said, "Here let me show you. Who are you looking for?" I realize that I forgot the name! Oh my god! I forgot the name!

So I take a deep breath and say, "He is the sheriff of a town called, Beacon Hills, I think."

The guy then smiles and says, "You must be Isabella, I'm the sheriff, and this is my son, Stiles." The kid, Stiles, nods as he looks around for someone else.

I stretch out my hand and Stiles doesn't notice so I clear my throat and say, "Nice to meet you. You seem a little distracted. Something wrong?" Stiles looks at me, as if he is deciding whether or not I could be trusted.

He then says, "My friend, Scott went to the bathroom while we were waiting for you so I'm looking to see-- Oh, HEY SCOTT!" He yells. I then turn around to see another guy with brown hair and a little muscle. I introduce myself to him and we all head to the car. I see that Scott whispers something to Stiles, and Stiles looks worried. I decide against asking about it and get in the car.

As we leave the airport I look out the window and say quietly, "Good bye Mystic Falls, hello Beacon Hills!"

I hope you liked the story!

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