Chapter 46: Finding the Cure

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We get to an island off the coast of Nova Scotia and everyone is bickering: Rebekah and Elena, Shane (Bonnie's magic teacher) and Damon. Bonnie is taking pictures of Jeremy's tattoo, as I call Caroline and Tyler, using Elena's phone.

"Care, Ty. How is the devil?"

"FURIOUS!" Klaus yells from the line.

"I don't know when we will have service, but just and FYI: Derek might visit. He was on the phone with me when Kol..."

"Yeah, ok. Tell him where you are?" Caroline asks.

"I really don't care. He can't stop it, but try and dissuade him from following. I don't want him getting hurt."

"You really are a Lupa..." Klaus says.

"What? What's a Lupa?" Caroline asks.

"Tell you later, got to go!" I say hanging up as the group moves towards the woods. "Here we go." I say, following them.


"Satellite phone is dead." Shane says, holding up his phone.

"That's a good sign." Damon says sarcastically.

"Is anyone else creeped out?" Elena asks. I grab her hand.

"Then leave. Out of everyone, your presence is the least necessary." Rebekah says. I roll my eyes as she continues, "I'm merely stating the facts. Jeremy has the spell on his body. Bonnie is the witch that unseals the cure. Shane is the human compass. Stefan and I have the tombstone, which does god knows what. And Elena has no point."

"What about me?" Damon asks.

"You have a nice behind!" Rebekah says, staring. I got to admit, I agree with her.

"What about me?" I ask, curious. 

Rebekah, glances at me, "You're nice, and didn't stab me in the back, or try to kill me on multiple occasions." I smile, knowing I am on her good side.



"You're still here? What are you doing?" I ask, entering the Gilbert household.

"Gloating." Tyler says, pouring himself a drink.

"Hello, Caroline." I hear the devil himself. I glare at him.

"Come home. Don't stoop to his level." I say, turning to my boyfriend.

"He destroyed my life. I plan on being present for every second of his misery until I can kill him myself."

I sigh, "Fine. You can gloat and multitask. This place is a disaster. Starting with a horrific burnt corpse." I find a table cloth in a cabinet and I use it to cover up Kol's body. Klaus watches them with a slightly tortured expression.

"Tyler's mother is dead. So is my brother. We're even." He looks towards me, "Call Bonnie. Get her to let me out of here." Klaus says.

I turn to him, "I will never, ever, help you."

"How quickly you forget the part where I saved Tyler from the misery of being a werewolf. Or the night your mother invited me into her home to save the life of her precious daughter."

"How delusional are you? You killed his mother. And let's not forget that we're standing in a house where Izzy and Elena's Aunt Jenna used to live. Or did you think that your charm would make us forget how you killed her, too? You know what? No. I am not going to engage in this. You are not even worth the calories I burn talking to you." I scoff.

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