Chapter 28: Yellow to Blue

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I was sitting on the couch in Derek's loft listening to Cora talk to Stiles about what they used to do when hunters found their family.

They hid for two days, blah blah blah...

"He wasn't like this when we knew him..." Cora murmurs

"Well, what was he like?" Stiles asks as Peter starts to walk down the staircase. I groan as I see him.

"A lot like Scott, actually." He says, descending the stairs.

"So what changed him?"

"The same thing that changes other boys, a girl." Peter says smiling. 

"You're telling me some girl broke his little heart? That's why Derek is the way he is?" Stiles asks, sarcastically.

"Remember Derek's eyes before he became an alpha. He had blue eyes. Do you know why some wolves have blue eyes instead of yellow?" Peter asks looking at Stiles and Cora.

"I thought it was genetic..." Stiles starts to say.

"If you want to know what changed Derek, you have to know what changed the color of his eyes." Peter says and then tells us about a girl named Paige and how she met Derek during their sophomore year. 

"Ok, so what happened to Derek and the girl," Stiles asks.

"Well, you know how it is, first it's, 'I hate you.' then it's groping each other whenever they are alone. Their favorite spot was an abandoned warehouse..." Peter trails off. He starts talking about how one night, Derek and Paige were making out when Ennis, Kali and Deucalion, each with there own packs before they killed them, came and had a meeting. He started to talk about how there was a 'leader' who could shape-shift, which was rare. He tells us that the shapeshifter was his sister, Talia Hale, Derek's mother. He then talks about how Ennis lost control and drew a spiral, the symbol for vendetta.

"Wow, you guys take revenge very seriously..." Stiles says sarcastically. 

"Losing a member of your pack isn't like losing family, it's like losing a limb." Cora says. "What does this have to do with Derek?"

"It was a sequence of events. I looked at Ennis and saw pain, loss. Derek saw opportunity."

"To do what?" I ask finally speaking up.

He turns to me and says, "To be with her forever. He was constantly thinking about it, day and night." Peter sighs, "I told him not to do it, but he just became more convinced." Somewhere in my mind, someone was telling me not to listen, to get the story from Derek. But I had to know. "He's probably convinced himself that it's my fault." Peter keeps talking. He then says something about the druids.

"Ya, what did they do?" I ask.

"They were emissaries to the alphas. They helped out, but were kept a secret. Derek and I had no idea about Deaton, " Cora says.  

"And Deaton gave a lot of advice to Talia, being her emissary." Peter says. 

"What about Derek and Paige?" I ask annoyed.

"Derek asked Ennis to do it."

"Ennis? Why him?" Cora asks.

"Why not? He needed a new pack member and doing a favor for Derek would mean that he would be in with Talia. Everyone wanted to be on her good side." Peter says.

"So did he turn her?" Stiles asks bored.

"Almost... Derek changed his mind. He went at Ennis, a 15 year old boy against a giant. But it was a waste, she had already been bitten." Peter says with remorse. 

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