Chapter 31: The Hospital Part 2

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I run into the hospital, "What happened? Where are my parents and Elena?"

"I'm so sorry Izzy. Your parents and Elena were in an accident. Your parents didn't make it."

"Let me see them! LET ME SEE THEM!"

"I'm Katherine and you are going to stay still and not scream, k?"

Katherine's face then transformed and she bit my neck.

"Lydia, RUN AWAY!! RUN!!" I scream as Peter bits her. "NOOOOOO!!!"

"Oh, but you have already decided haven't you?" Peter says, showing his red eyes, "I can smell it on you!" Derek then brings up his hand. The next thing I see is Derek's hand slashing out Peter's throat.

Klaus throws Jenna and stakes her, right in the heart. I drop to my knees and start to sob.

"Thank you, Elena."

"Go to hell!" Her body drops to the ground.

He then smiles as his eyes turn yellow and veins show. He then grabs my neck and bites.

...Derek holding Erica's dead body.

"And for Tyler's sake, do it quickly!" He sticks his wrist into Tyler's mouth and breaks his neck.

I see his face; he has yellow eyes and veins protruding from his face. He then looks at me, speeds up to me, and pulls my head back. He bites my neck and drinks.

"NO! My life is nothing! I have to live with the fact that my sister, my best friend, called my parents one night and in the process got them killed. I have to live with the fact that both my sister and my aunt died. I am left alone in this world! Jenna is dead, and Elena never talks to me in fear of Klaus. I have to live with the fact that my blood is needed in order for super hybrid Klaus to make his minions. Now I have the chance to make sure Klaus never gets what he wants and do what I have wanted to do for a long time but never did."

He then stabs Elena as I scream and watch her fall to the ground.

"Your turn," Mikael says, thrusting the dagger through my stomach.

"That feeling, on the full moon. It was worth it." He gasps again, "There's a lunar eclipse, all ways wondered what it felt like for us." Boyd says as he relaxes into my arms. Cora runs over and starts to sob over Boyd's body.

She turns the garrote around Lydia's throat...

I start to remember everything in perfect detail: from when my parents dies, to my first meeting with Katherine, to Klaus killing Elena. I try to open my eyes, but can't all I do is listen to Ms. Blake tell Derek how Kali couldn't kill her. Apparently she crawled to a big-ass tree, which gave her power. The tree, the Nemeton, was given power by the sacrifice of a virgin, Paige. Because of the power, Jennifer Blake/Julia didn't die, but held onto life until someone found her.

She starts talking about the legend of mistletoe and how it was overlooked. I mentally roll my eyes. She then says that she was overlooked, and that she made an oath.

"From virgins and warriors, from healers, philosophers and guardians, to loan me their power so that I could teach these monsters that their actions would never be overlooked."

"You killed innocent people," Derek says.

"So have you. I know the real color of your eyes, and I know what it means. I'm not asking you to save me, I am asking you to save everyone they will ever hurt again."

"You can't beat them."

"You sure? Boyd asked you before he died, 'What happens to a werewolf during a lunar eclipse?' You didn't tell him, but you know. What happens Derek?"

"We lose all our power."

I hear Derek's phone go off, and the doors open. I hear a bunch of commotion. After about 5 minutes I hear Derek push a button.

"Derek?" Ms. Blake asks, "Look at me." I hear a scream and someone drop to the floor. I am then kicked for good measure before I hear something break.

The elevator door opens and I hear Scott mutter, "Mom.."

I hear running and Stiles is running after Scott. After another 5-10 minutes, I hear more running. I hear the steps stop and hear someone punch the elevator door. I immediately recognize the voices.

"Dean, calm--"

"No! I mean look at her! We tried to protect her from this, and failed."

"Dean I know---"

"Maybe we can ask Cas and--"

"Dean, let's go." I hear a sigh and footsteps. They then stop again. "Wait."

"What?" I feel a hand go around my arm and pick it up. "No..."

"Someone bit her."


"No, probably the other alphas. he was protecting her, he wouldn't do this."

"Well, she's gone now." Dean says, walking away, as Sam follows.

Great, now they think I'm dead... I think as I try to move my hands. Soon I hear Stiles running and slapping Derek to wake him up. A gasp escapes Derek. "Finally!"

"Where is she?"

"Blake? Gone with Scott's mom and if that isn't enough, Scott left with Deucalion." Stiles is talking quickly. "The police are coming, we have to get you and Izzy the hell out of here!" I feel someone move me into a sitting position. "Izzy? Hey, can you hear me?"

I try to say yes, but all I can do is move my finger. No one seems to notice. I am then carried away, and I feel like I am being put on a couch. I then hear a car start, and I move. After a minute I hear someone jump out of the car, though I can't hear anyone. Someone then gets into the car, next to me. "Izzy... What did you do!" I hear a voice say. "Listen closely, something happened to the Mikaelsons. Stupid Bennett witches released the weapon, but we don't know where it is. All of the siblings are awake: Rebekah, Elijah, Kol, Finn, and whatever was in the coffin. Be careful. Now that you are a werewolf, Klaus might get angry." I then hear a whoosh and I flop onto the seat.

I then feel the car start and I hear Derek muttering, "What am I going to do?" Sorry Derek, I wish I could wake up and be HELPFUL!! Derek then stops muttering and goes silent. I listen closely and hear growling. After a moment it stops. "Izzy?"

I did that? What is going on?

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