Chapter 15: Meeting Elijah

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I wake up in the hospital only to be told that I have to wait until tonight to be let out, great!

Allison and Lydia text me updates throughout the day, telling me what happened.

I then get a text from Allison saying that Derek is testing Lydia, to see if she is the kanima.

> Allison, we all know she isn't the kanima.

>Ya, but Derek apparently tested Jackson. She is the only one left. 

>Try and delay it. I wish I could help.

>I'll do my best.

About a half an hour later I get a call from Scott.

"Hey Scott, what's up?"

"Derek tested Lydia and she passed. Derek is gonna kill her soon. How should we slow it down?" Scott asks quickly.

"Ok, ask Derek for an 'extension' and I can ask Derek too. Someone get someone to translate the bestiary and someone for the love of god, keep an eye on Lydia!" 

I hang up with a sigh and go to the bathroom to wash my face. I go back outside to the bed and fall asleep.


I wake up with a start. Melissa was nudging me, "Sweetheart, you can go home now."

"Thank you" I say, as I stand up to change. I quickly call Allison, but it goes straight to voicemail. Same thing happens with Stiles.

After I am dressed, I go outside and call Derek, maybe will pick up. As the phone is ringing, I hear a British voice behind me, "Hello, I'm looking for Isabella Gilbert."

I turn around and see a man wearing a suit. He has brown hair and looks very 'clean'. I walk up to him and say, "I am Isabella. Who are you?"

"I'm a friend of your sister Elena. We made a deal that I would protect her loved ones."

"Oh, thank you, I guess. Is my sister ok?"

"She is fine."

"Good," I say with a smile. "Oh, how stupid of me, I forgot to ask your name?"

"My name is Elijah." He says smiling.

My smile faltered, but I tried not to show my fear. Elijah, that's who wanted me and Elena. 

"Thank you, I am going to go now," I say backing up. I then start walking away as fast as I could. Once I was out of sight, I started running. 

At some point I stop to catch my breath in an alleyway. I then walk out only to bump into, "Don't be scared. I guess Trevor and Rose did tell you my name." Elijah says.

I then start to run away but run straight into him, again. "How did you?"

"There are many things you do not know Isabella. Now," He looked straight into my eyes, "give me your phone." I reach into my pocket and see that Derek is screaming something into the phone. Elijah grabs it and says, "Stay here and don't speak." He then puts the phone up to his ear, "You must be the newest alpha of this area. Now Derek, Isabella is perfectly safe. She is under my protection... Stop with your threats young alpha, I am much stronger than you... No I am not a dog... Before you hang up, you should know, Lydia Martin is not the monster you wish to kill." He says hanging up the phone. He then dials a number. "Hello Elena." I want to tell Elena to hang up, but I can't talk. He then puts her on speaker phone. "You may talk."

"Elena hang up the phone."

"Izzy, he's telling the truth, he is protecting us."

"He's the one who want to use us to break a curse."

"No, his brother is the one who wants to sacrifice us."

"Sacrifice? Like kill?"

"You don't know, do you?"

"Know what, Elena?"

"Elijah please fill her in if possible. Now take me off speaker phone."

He complies and then says, "Alright. Good bye Elena." He then breaks the phone in half. "Follow me" He leads me to a car and puts me in.

"Where are you taking me?

"To a safe house near a club." He pauses. "I can hear your heartbeat, there is no need to be afraid."

"Really? How do I know you won't do what that guy, Trevor did to me?"

He stopped at the light and looked at me, "What did he do?"

"You don't know? I don't think so, they were working for you!"

"No they wanted to trade for their freedom, now," He looked into my eyes, "What did he do."

I tell him everything Trevor did when he sat me in the chair. He then looks at me sadly. "I am truly sorry for what he did. You should know that both Rose and Trevor are dead now."

"Oh..." Suddenly the car runs over something and Elijah pulls me out. I follow him to a clearing and we both hear hissing. He then stands in front of me protectively and searches for the hissing. Then I see the kanima and start to run, but the creature jumps front of me.

"Izzy!" I hear from behind me. I turn and see Derek with Scott not far behind. I then feel something on the back of my neck and I fall down. Elijah quickly gets me and takes me someplace high, so that I am away from the battle, but can see it. I see that Derek is unconscious, and that the Argents arrive and empty a whole clip into the creature. I also see that Gerard knows the kanima and he knows about Scott.  

The fight then moved to the club that was here. Elijah then sat me up and bites his wrist, my eyes widen as he made me drink his blood. "What the hell?" I say as I punch him, "What? How can I--?"

"I just healed you, that was all. Now Isabella, what should I do with you?"

"I need to go help my friends."

"Let me help you." Elijah then gets us into the club. "I do believe that this is a gay club."

I ignore him and move to where I see Scott and Stiles. They are both looking up in terror, and as I follow their gazes I am too. Elijah then grabs my arm and pulls me out. "What is wrong with you, we have to help them!"

"Do not worry, they will be fine." Elijah dragged me up to the place we were at before, when Derek was fighting. Elijah then explained his deal with my sister and what I am needed for.

"So basically you want me to stay safe, because if either me or my sister gives ourselves up, your brother will kill us and be the most powerful creature ever."


"Well, that's unfortunate that you can't keep her." I hear from the corner of the room.

"Derek?" He walks out of the shadows and nods.

"As long as you and those betas can keep Isabella safe, I am not needed. Farewell." He then disappears.

I run up to Derek and hug him. He then takes me home to sleep. By the time we get to the sheriff's hows I am half asleep and he carries me up. He tucks me in and before I fall asleep I mumble, "Thanks dad, see you tomorrow." And I fall asleep.

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