Chapter 4: Vampires? Werewolves?

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Last time on "The Twin Gilbert"...

>Iz! Call me! Your in danger! CALL ME!!

I immediately wake up, and dial my sister. What does she want to talk about? What type of danger?

The phone rings 3 times before I hear Elena say, "Hello?"


"Iz, oh my gosh, I... I" Elena replies, stuttering.

"No 'I..I'. What is wrong? What the hell type of danger am I in?"

"Well," Elena starts but hesitates. "You're not going to believe me but just hear me out, ok?"

I nod and I can tell she understood because she continued.

"Well, on the first day of school I bumped into a guy after telling Jeremy to stop with the drugs," I mentally start laughing. I met a guy? HA! "Long story short, vampires are real." What? Vampires?

"Elena, you gave me a heart attack in the middle of the night, to tell me, vampires are real?" I reply.

"Yes" She says simply, like it's the most reasonable thing in the world.

"Ya, vampires are real, just like fucking werewolves are real! So good night Elena, I thought that it was something serious, or important. I have school and I had the longest day so thank you SOOOO MUCH for that information." I said as I hang up.

I put down the phone. I then hear a something from the door, "Stiles?" He opens my door looking pale. "Are you ok?"

"Y-ya. Was that your sister? Talking about werewolves?" He asks shivering.

"Ya, but they don't exist. Stiles, are you ok? You are shivering and look pale. Do you need water?"

"I'm ok, thanks. Good night." He says, walking out. Ok, that was weird.

I then lie down again, and fall asleep thinking about what Elena had said, and how Stiles reacted to the conversation.



School has been going great. Lydia, Allison and I have developed a great friendship, while Stiles has been keeping his distance. I don't know why.

After school, I ask Scott for a ride. When we get to his car, I see a spiral thing on his window. "Scott, did someone vandalize your car?"

"What?" He comes over and looks at the spiral. I see that he visibly tenses up and replies, "I didn't notice." The rest of the ride back to Stiles's house was filled with silence. What the hell is wrong with these boys?


The next day, Allison and I go to her house to study. Allison, Lydia, Scott, Jackson all had something to do, so I was waiting until Scott came to pick Allison up, but he never did. Jackson came to pick Allison up, but he was dragging me along with him. Allison got a text saying to meet him at the school, so we went. Allison walked in but we all eventually walked in to find Scott and Allison. We found out that Scott didn't send the message. Someone else lured Allison to the school. Then something chased us down the hall into the cafeteria.

"What the FUCK WAS THAT!?!?" I scream as we stack multiple chairs in front of the door. It looked like a wolf thing but it stood on 2 feet. WHAT THE HELL?

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