Chapter 29: Ms. Blake??

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We are siting in English class and Ms. Blake is talking about idioms. I ignore the constant chatter from behind me, and check my phone every other minute.

About half way through class, I stand up and leave. Ms. Blake doesn't even try to stop me. I go to the bathroom and lock the door. I sit down, and breathe. I look at my phone and contemplate whether I should do it. I finally tap on her number and call her.

"Hello, you have reached Miranda Gilbert, leave a message and I will get back to you soon."

"Hey mom!" I start to feel the tears, "I just wanted to hear your voice. I don't know what to do... I have lost everyone: you, dad, Elena, multiple times now and Jenna. You always gave the best advice and your not here when I need it the most..." I pause looking down and sniffling. "I love you." I say hanging up the phone. "God that was stupid! Stupid, stupid, STUPID!" With each word a bang my head against the wall. I hear a knock on the door and yell, "Occupied!"

"Izzy, it's Cora. Let me in!" I slowly stand up and let her in. "I'm going after Aiden, don't tell the others please." I nod and her face softens and she hugs me.

"Has anyone ever told you how comfortable your hugs are?" I say laughing a little.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are really strong?" She says looking at me.

"Thanks," I mutter. I then walk with her to the locker room and wait out side. I hear bunch of growls and a bunch of grunts. I hear Cora moan, so I run inside to see Aiden smack her across the face, with a weight. I run to her and ask, "Cora? Can you hear me?" I am so focused on Cora that I don't realize how out of control Aidan really is. Before I know it I am thrown across the room, and into some lockers. I hit my head and black out.


I wake up to see Cora leaving and Lydia staring at me, "She's awake!" She says running over to me, moving her hand in front of my face, "Izzy? You ok?"

I nod and move her hand away, "Cora--?"

"She's fine." Scott says. I sigh and close my eyes. "I heard."

"What?" I ask opening my eyes.

"I tried not to listen, but..."

"Oh," Is all I can say. He helps me up and helps me to my next class.


After school, I stay and do some work in the library. I asked the others to leave me out of everything for the day. I sat there for a while, when I get a call from Elena.

"Lena, I really don't---"

"We might have a way to kill Klaus."

"What?" I ask, flabbergasted.

"Bonnie and her mom might be able to get a weapon."

"First, Bonnie's mom? I thought she abandoned Bonnie."

"Bonnie found her"

"Ok, and second, what type of weapon?"

"We don't know..."

"YOU DON'T KNOW?" I scream. "You are telling me, that we could get a weapon that could possibly kill the guy who has killed you and Jenna and has almost killed me. But we don't know what it is? What if it's another Mikael? Who stabbed me, by the way, while you were safe away from everything because of Katherine!"

"Izzy, I just wanted to keep you in the loop. Still be wary of Tyler, and don't come home."

"You know what Elena? I won't. You are getting yourselves into some deep shit, even deeper then me! Boyd is dead, there is some weird-ass druid who is killing people, and we don't know who is next. It could be Derek, or Scott or Cora. It could be Stiles or Allison, it could be Lydia. It could be ME!" The other end went silent after my rant. "Elena, I have to go to another funeral. Goodbye." I say hanging up the phone. I look at it and throw it against the wall.

I then stalk over to the recital happening tonight, which has already started. I bump into Lydia on the way in. The choir is singing and I walk into the corner of the room, when I notice that Ms. Blake isn't even there. Scott walks over to me and asks if I had seen Lydia. I told him that I saw her walk out. He runs out as Stiles and I follow him. He's looking around.

"See anything?" Stiles asks.

"See what? What's happening?" I ask.

"We don't know where Lydia is..." Scott says, scanning the area.

"Well split up!" I say, running towards the front of the building, while the boys go elsewhere. I walk in and hear crying. I follow the noise and realize it's coming form Ms. Blake's room. I slowly crouch near the door and turn on my phone.

"What are you doing?" I hear Lydia ask very weakly.

"What is necessary. None of you seem to get that." My eyes widen as I recognize the voice, Ms. Blake. "You call them sacrifices but you're not understanding the word." She then starts talking about how it is a necessary evil to do the sacrifices.

"Stop..." Lydia says, very quietly.

"I wish I could, but you don't know the alphas like I do."

"Stop, please stop..."

"But you, Lydia, you are not a sacrifice. You are just a girl who knows too much." She says chuckling, "Actually a girl who knew too much." I run into the room and see that Lydia is in a chair, head bleeding, while Ms. Blake stands behind her and pulls a rope around her neck.

"Don't move, or I tighten the rope!" Ms. Blake warns as she sees me. Lydia is looking at me, in terror.

"Don't please don't." I say as I step forward. Lydia screams so loud that I drop my phone.

"Unbelievable, You don't know what you are, do you?" Ms. Blake says, "The Wailing Woman, a banshee, right before me. You are just like me, an innocent flower but underneath, a serpent. But it's too late." She says tying up Lydia's arms. I step forward, "I wouldn't do that, doppelgänger. I need you for later." She then turns the garrote around Lydia's throat.

"NO!!" I scream and run over to my teacher. She easily throws me back. I stubble and fall into a body. I look up and see the sheriff.

"Drop it!" He says. Ms. Blake throws the knife at him as Scott runs in growling at the evil bitch. She throws Scott back and walks over to me.

"You don't know how important you are." She says, kicking me.

"Leave her alone!" The sheriff yells. She grabs the knife from him and make multiple cuts on my body, before stabbing me in the stomach.

"Your impulse, it has and forever will be the one thing that keeps you from becoming great." He then stabs Elena as I scream and watch her fall to the ground.

"No!! ELENA!! Not again, please not again!" I cry.

"Your turn," Mikael says, thrusting the dagger through my stomach.

"Mikael, stop." I say weakly as I look up at my teacher who has shifted into Mikael.

The last thing I hear is Ms. Blake saying, "That's not the last of him, dear. Klaus is in your future and you can't stop it!"


I have a half day tomorrow, so I will upload chapters when I come home, maybe after I catch up on Doctor who, Once Upon a Time, Supernatural, TVD and The Originals. Oh, and Reign!

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