Chapter 10: The Funeral

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I walk into the hospital and go straight to Lydia's room. I see Stiles sleeping across threes chairs. It seems like he's having a dream about Lydia because he keeps saying, "You're dirty" and giving random kisses. 

"Why thank you Stiles, I love the rough stuff." I whisper in his ear and he jolts up, smacking a 'Get Well Soon' balloon. 

"Who? You like the--?"

"Trying to get you to wake up, dumbass." I chuckle, "Now will you go home and get some actual rest? I can watch out for Lydia."

"No! I will not leave until she does. OK?"

"Fine, then I am staying with you!" An awkward silence passes. "What's new with Scott? We haven't talked in a while."

"Oh, you know, the usual. Mr. Argent interruption a make-out session between Scott and Allison and threatening to kill Scott. And then Allison saying she will never see him again to save his life, but secretly, Scott goes over to her house and they have sex." At that last word, I choke on my hot chocolate.

"What? Allison loves Scott that much? They are doing it regularly?" 

"Yaaa, why?"


"Scallison, what the hell is that?"

"A ship name, I thought it up all by myself," I say, giving Stiles a smirk.

"What the hell is a 'ship name'?"

"Do you not know what shipping is?" He shakes his head, "Look it up, and if you don't I will never speak to you again," I say turning. "Actually, until you find out what it is, get me a chocolate bar from the vending machine," I say handing him 4 quarters. He sighs and stands up. He starts walking towards the machine, but stops. He looks back at me and I give him a glare. He then runs away to the machine as I burst out laughing. I then hear a smash from that direction. Oh Stiles... I sigh and take out my computer. I open my browser and continue my search. Peter said something about a doppelgänger and I can't find Derek to ask. So I decided to do my own research and then go to Deaton. 

Before I can even bring up my notes I hear a scream from Lydia's room. "Lydia?" I put my computer on my seat and run into the room along with Stiles, Melissa and Lydia's father. Stiles and I run straight to the bathroom, with the parents not far behind. Stiles rips the shower curtain back, to find that Lydia wasn't there. I then look at the window; it's open. 

Where did Lydia go? 

A few minutes later the sheriff came and was talking to the parents, while Stiles and I grab the hospital gown she was wearing. Stiles then goes to his father while I sneak out with the gown. Stiles catches up a few moments after I get to his jeep, where Scott is waiting. Before I get into the jeep, my phone starts ringing. "My sister, go look for Lydia, I'll follow in a few. Text me where the scent takes you." They nod and drive away as I pick up the phone.

"Hey, Lena! What's up?"

"There's something I gotta tell you Iz..."

"Lena you can tell me anything. But-"


"My best friend is in the hospital and I need to find her," I didn't completely lie, but enough to feel bad about it.

"Ok, after I tell you my thing, you tell me how your friend ended up in the hospital, k?"


"We are... We're adopted."

"We. Are. WHAT???"

"Uncle Asshole is our father, and his high school girl friend is our mother."

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