Chapter 2: First Night

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After the drive from the airport, I walk into the sheriff's house. It is small, but cozy. I could defiantly learn to live here. Too bad I was planning on getting an apartment to get out of their hair. The sheriff shows me to an extra room. It has just the bare essentials: bed, bathroom, a desk. It's great! 

"Thank you for the room... And for letting me stay with you," I whisper sheepishly. 

He turns to me and says, "My pleasure! We should probably enroll you in the high school though. School started a few weeks ago so we should get you in quickly. Scott and Stiles are in your grade. We are having dinner soon, I will call you down." I whisper a thanks and head to the bed and start unpacking. 

I was so focused on getting settled I didn't notice Stiles come in. I jump when I hear him say, "Dinner's ready, Isabella."

"Please, call me Izzy, or Bella. Whichever one you like." I reply and walk down with him. At the table I see some pizza, the sheriff and Scott. Wait, Scott?

"Scott has dinner with us some nights," The sheriff says. Ahh... 

The dinner was going great and we talked about what Beacon Hills High School was like. It seemed similar to high school back home. But then Stiles asks the dreaded question. 

"So what brings you to Beacon Hills, Izzy?"

Crap! What's my excuse?!?! "I.. um- I wanted a change." I say nervously. I notice the sheriff gain a puzzled look on his face.

He asks, "From what?"

I sigh and reply, "I'd rather not.. talk about--"

"That's ok, don't worry" The Sheriff says, with a worried expression. 

I then feel the atmosphere growing awkward. To end it I blurt out, "So, what about the drama in our grade? Couples?" 

Then Scott blushes and says, "Well there is this girl, and I think we're dating but..."

So I question further, "Did you kiss her yet? If you did, you need to go on another date, then you are dating. Poof- couple!" He smiles, so I move to Stiles, "And you? Any crushes?"

Stiles mumbles a name and Scott says, "He's been pining over Lydia Martin for 10 years. He has a 10 year plan" He whispers. 

I chuckle as Stiles yells, "IT'LL WORK, OK?"

"Ok, ok! Thank you for dinner but it has been a long day, so I'm going to head to bed. Thank you again!" I say as I get up and go up the stairs and get ready for bed. 


Everything is perfect. I'm in my- a bed, in a house. What else could be better, hehe... 

I am trying to sleep so I refrain from looking at my phone. But the moment I glance at it, I grab it and search for Elena's number. When I get there, my finger hesitates over her number. I miss her so much.

I sit up and look at the phone. That's when I hear a sound from outside. I look out the window and see a girl. I can't see her face but she is shaking. I run outside to see if she is ok, but she is gone. I turn around and see... "Elena?" 

"Nope, guess again." 'Not Elena' said, smirking.

I give her a puzzled look. She sighs, walks up to me and looks me straight in my eyes, saying, "I'm Katherine and you are going to stay still and not scream, k?"

What? What's she going to do? Katherine's face then transforms into a monsters, and she bites my neck! My freaking neck! I want to scream but can't. I just stand still and silent. I then start to faint. 

All of a sudden, Katherine looks up and sniffs. She says, "Well, that's all for now. Forget tonight ever happened and especially forget me." She then bites her wrist and sticks it in my mouth, making me swallow her blood. She then scurries away. 

Then I blink.

"What am I doing out here?" I wonder out loud.

I then go back in the house and into my bed. Stiles then comes in to see me staring at Elena's number. I look up when he asks, "Can't sleep?"

"I'm contemplating whether I should call my sister to not." I say with a sigh. 

He says, "Well, you should text her and your parents so they know you got here and your safe."

I cringe when he says parents, and lucky he did not seem to notice. "I will, thanks Stiles. Good night." I say.

He then leaves the room and the moment he is gone, I text Jenna and go to wash my face. The walls are thin so when I walk back to my room, I hear that Stiles is on the phone. 

"I know, but she's not normal. You said that yourself, and now your taking it back?..... I talked to her just now and she cringed when I said parents, ok, something happened to her." Damn it, he noticed! I keep listening.

"She was walking outside and came back in with blood all over her neck but with no wound. Do you think someone---" Blood? I look down and see blood all over. I run to the bathroom and wash it off. How the hell did that happen?

By the time I washed the blood away, Stiles had gone to bed. I wonder who he was taking to... How was he going to end that sentence? I hate being out of the loop. 

I then go to bed and sleep horribly. I couldn't stop thinking about "Day 1 at Beacon Hills High School"

I hope tomorrow goes well!

I hope you like! The italics are Izzy's thoughts btw!

Tomorrow Isabella Gilbert will start her new life. How will it go? ;)

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