Chapter 3: Day 1

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I wake up to the sound of an alarm. I moan as I stop the alarm. I lay back in bed when suddenly--

"WAKE UP IZZY!!" Damn it Stiles! I groan and get out of bed. I choose a purple dress with cap sleeves. It reaches to my knees and flares a little. I also put on a little sweater to hide the scars. I put on my golden necklace with a G on it. I got the necklace for my 8th birthday. I can't go anywhere without it. I put on some golden earrings and head down stairs. As I walk down I can smell freshly baked waffles. "YUM!" I sigh as I walk down stairs.

Stiles takes all of the waffles and says with a smirk, "We're late, you can get your waffles in the car!"

I groan and trudge towards the car. The drive to the school is silent, and all I can think about are my nerves.

We get to the school and we meet up with Scott. Both boys walk me to the office to pick up my schedule. I see that I have Mr. Harris first. When I ask Scott and Stiles if they could show me to the class, Stiles groaned and said, "We have the same class, the dude's an asshole." Great first class is with an asshole for a teacher! They quickly show me to my locker and they head to lacrosse practice, while I map out the school before meeting them later.

As I am walking around, I notice two girls talking, one with brown hair and one with strawberry-blonde hair. I try to get past them but looking at my schedule quickly and searching for a class. I then hear, "Hey you! New girl!" I slowly turn around to see the strawberry-blonde smiling at me while the brunette blushes, embarrassed. I walk over cautiously. The strawberry-blonde then says, "I'm Lydia, and this is Allison, who are you? I know most people in this school, and I have never seen you before." I could tell that Lydia was the most popular girl at the school.

"I'm Isabella, but you can call me Izzy or Bella, which ever one you like." I say as I look down quickly and run my hand through my hair.

"Did you just move here?" Allison asks. I nod and then I find out that Allison moved here too.

I notice the time and say, "Do you know where the lacrosse team practices? I need to meet the guy, whose house I am staying at, so he can show me to Mr. Harris' class?"

Lydia perks up and replies, "We can show you! My boyfriend, Jackson, is the captain of the team!" She then grabs my arm and starts pulling me towards the field. When we arrive, I notice that the couch keeps yelling at a guy named Greenberg? I don't know what's up with that, but when we got to the field, Scott looks over and smiles at Allison brightly. OHHHHH!!! Allison is that girl! After the practice I leave Lydia and Allison to go to Scott and Stiles. They take me to the class where I can feel all eyes staring.

I then walk up to a guy who looked to be in his late 20's, early 30's. He is reading a book and stops to look at me, "Who are you?" he asks.

I gulp and reply, "I'm Isabella Gilbert? I'm a transfer. I'm pretty sure I have this class first."

He then smiles and says, "Welcome Isabella. When everyone is here, I will introduce you so stay up here, ok?" I nod and think: This guy isn't really bad... The bell rings as the last few students rush in. Mr. Harris the stands and says, "You are now a few weeks into my class, you survived. Now I would like to introduce a new student, Isabella Gil- what was it?" He whispers.

I say, "Gilbert, Isabella Gilbert"

"Isabella Gilbert. Please take a seat." He says. I start walking towards the back when he says, "Why don't you sit next to Ms. Martin?" I nod and sit next to her and she smiles.

The rest of the day was ok: I had either Stiles, Scott, Lydia or Allison in all of my classes, so I was fine.

The last bell rings loudly as I sigh. Time for the homework. I was not looking forward to it. I walk outside and meet Stiles as I approach him, he tells me that Scott is going to Allison's house to study, so it'll be just us. I say, "He better make a move, or else I will squish him like a bug..."

"That's what I said!" Stiles replies. We get into the car and start to get out of the school parking lot. All of a sudden, this older guy, muscular and weak, walks in front of Stiles's jeep and collapses. I gasp and run out to him. Scott notices and runs over. He keeps repeating, "Not here, not here!"

"We have to get him to a hospital!" I exclaim while Scott pulls him to the jeep.

Stiles's then comes out and says, "Izzy, you should stay at the school while we deal with this, ok?" I am in shock so I could only nod. Stiles drives away and I walk back into the school, only to walk straight into Lydia.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I say as I start to pick up my books. She just laughs and gets down to help me pick up my books. I frown.

"What's wrong, Izzy?" She asks.

"You just aren't like the girls at my old school. They would have given me hell for at least the next month." I say.

"Well, now you have me!" She says with a smile. After a short conversation, she drives me to her house to study. She also gave me the scoop on everyone at school.

At around 7, I decide to go home. On the way there I notice a puppy, limping. I run over to it only to see a big bite mark. Luckily, the animal clinic was right there, and I brought the dog there. I walked in through the door. And heard Stiles saying, "Awesome!"

I yell, "Stiles?" and Scott comes out to see me holding the dog. He lets me in and heals the poor puppy. I was also introduced to the guy that almost fainted, his name is Derek. I then go to leave but the gate won't budge, so I ask Stiles to open it for me, hoping to see him fail and need Scott. When I asked, he looks at me and then Scott. He goes to open the gate and opens it easily. I guess he's stronger then he looks.

When I got home, the Sheriff asked me if I was ok, because I didn't call him and he was worried. I totally forgot! I told him what happened and then went straight to bed.


I wake up at around midnight from my phone. I looked and saw I had a bunch of missed calls and some voicemails. What worried me was that they were all from Elena. And worst of all, she sent one text message.

> Iz, Call me now! You're in danger! CALL ME!


Cliffhanger!!!! I love this story SOOOO MUCH!! I really enjoy writing for it so I hope you guys like it too.

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