Chapter 26: Homecoming in Mystic Falls

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When we get back to Beacon Hills, Scott and Stiles take me to the hospital. They tell me on the way that Ethan and the other alphas think that Derek is still alive. I am smiling as Melissa checks out the wounds.

"What happened at that hotel?" She asks.

"All supernatural creatures had hallucinations. We then blacked and tried to commit suicide..." I mumble. She looks at me like I am crazy. 

"Well, the cuts are really deep so you will have to stay at the hospital for a few days." Melissa says. I nod as she walks out. I walk around the room for a while, bored. 

After the sun went down I hear a bunch of commotion in the lobby. I peak out of the room and see that people are frantically trying to call the on-call doctor. About ten minutes later Scott and Stiles walk in. I figure that they have a hand on the situation, so I lie down to sleep. 

I lay restless for another hour, listening to the noise. I hear a knock at the door and groan. I stand up and open the door. No one is there. I look out of the room and ask a nurse that was walking by, if someone was just here. She says no, so I walk back into the room and sit on the bed. 

"Hello, love." I turn and see Klaus in the doorway to the bathroom.

After all the hallucinations at the hotel, I don't trust that he is real. I turn back and mutter to myself, "Not real, not real."

"Course I'm real love, I'm standing right here!" He says smirking and walking over to me. I put my hands over my ears and keep muttering. "Come now, that's just rude!" He says as he yanks my hands away from my ears. "I need you," He says simply. I look at him blankly, "Well, your blood, not you." 

I back up off the bed and make sure to knock some stuff off of a near by table. "Well, if you won't come willingly..." He grabs me and knocks me out.



Scott and Stiles got to the hospital right as a car crashes into a pole. They run to the car and see that no one was driving. The only thing left was a few moths. 

"He was taken, wasn't he?" Scott asks nervously. Stiles just nods.

"Let's check on Izzy..." Scott says. When they get to her room, she was gone and the room was a mess. 

"What the hell happened here?" Scott asks, franticly.

"Video cameras, video cameras!" Stiles says pulling Scott to the monitors. They get there and rewind the video. They see a blonde man saunter into the hospital and walk up to Izzy's room. As he waits he turns back towards the camera and smirks, "Crap, dude--" Stiles says.

"I know," Scott says.

"Klaus" They say, looking at each other. Scott reaches into his pocket and grabs his phone to call Elena.

"Scott, not a good time-"

"Something happened, ELENA!" She hangs up before he could say anything else. 

"We are screwed!" Stiles says.



"Portland is wonderful, other than the weather it is a breeding ground for werewolves," Klaus says over the phone.

"Your father is dead." Stefan says, void of emotion.

"What did you say? If you are lying your compulsion will reveal it."

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