Chapter 43: Goodbye to Allison and Aidan

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I arrive at Oak Creek camp to hear Lydia screaming. I go to the basement to see a very frightened Lydia and a smirking nogitsune. 

"Hello, my strawberry-blonde haired friend." I say, walking up to my master. "What should I do?"

"Your brother, is he here yet?" My master asks.

"I don't know..."

"Lure him somewhere, where the others will find you."


"Your brother... He is a hunter of the five. A special vampire hunter. When he killed his first vampire a few days ago, he started to get hunter instincts against vampires. Test his skills, pin him against Scott and Derek." I nod and pull out my phone as I walk outside. 

I call my annoying, pain-in-the-ass little brother.

"Izzy? Oh my god, where are you? Are you ok?" 

"Jer, I can't talk for long, we need to meet somewhere. Somewhere private."

"You know the area better."

"Go to the woods, to the old Hale house." I then hang up and text Stiles where I was going. I then call Derek.

"Izzy? Hello?" I am silent for a long time, letting him listen. "Izzy?"

"Your burnt-down house. See ya there." I say, hanging up with a smirk.


I arrive and get into 'fake-scared' mode. I start to pace waiting for the new hunter. I hear the door open and in walks Jeremy. I run up to him and hug him. 

"Oh thank god you are safe." He says, hugging me back.

"Jer, I'm in trouble." I say, pulling back.

"Well, duh. I can protect you now. I am a new hunter of the five." I fake being confused, "Vampire hunter. I tried to kill Elena a few times..." Ha!

"Jer, listen. Remember Derek and Scott? Something happened and they are convinced that Stiles is-is possessed by a Japanese demon. They think that Stiles corrupted me, or something. They--they..." I trail off, faking the feeling of betrayal. "I don't know what they are going to do..." 

I then smell Derek and Scott coming. Jeremy notices my behavior, "What?"

"I smell them, they're here." I say, trying to act afraid of the ex-alpha. Derek, Scott, the twins and Isaac walk in. I stand behind Jeremy and back away.

I growl at them as Jeremy asks, "What are you going to do?"

"Jeremy, get away from your sister, she isn't her!" Derek says.

"I'm defiantly not Katherine or Elena!" I say, "I'm me! See Jer?"

"Jeremy, listen to me, something happened---" Scott starts only to be interrupted by Jeremy.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... Some demon thing manipulated her. She's fine! Now back off!" He says, whipping out a stake, as the twins try to sneak around him. 

The twins bare their fangs at the weapon, and I get an idea. I start to cry and whisper, "No, not like this... At least Elena wasn't betrayed..." Jeremy looks back at me confused, everyone follows. "Don't you see Jer? They're gonna kill me!" I say, backing into a table. Jeremy gets out another stake, but this one is purple.

"We aren't going to kill her... Calm down." Scott says.

"Jeremy!" I say, as Isaac starts to walk over. Jeremy attacks him and I cower. I hate acting helpless, but I gotta. He knocks Isaac out and moves to the twins. He uses the stake with powder and makes scratches on the twins. They are easily thrown back. Jeremy then looks at Derek and Scott. I couldn't help but smile a little. 

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