Chapter 6: Derek or Miguel?

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I am not ready for school. Lucky no one will know who was actually at the school because laws!

I get up and put on a light blue dress with a grey sweater. I put on my necklace and some stud earrings. I put on some gold sandals and gathered my things.

The way to school is silent. I don't think Stiles is ready for it either. Once we get to school, I go meet Lydia and Allison, who was asking if she made a mistake with Scott. "Ali, he cares a lot for you. But if you don't feel safe or ok with him around you, then you made the perfect decision." I say.

"Ya, well now I have to see him in the big test next and in almost every class and every day at school. We should probably get to that test. Mr. Harris will be mad." We all walk to class and sit down. I notice that Scott walks in and goes to Allison, but when he tries to talk to her, Mr. Harris shoos him away In the middle of the test Scott gets up, and runs out of the class, while Stiles follows them. 

I finish the test and give it to Mr. Harris. "Since I am finished, can I go check and see if Stiles and Scott are ok? They have been gone a while..."

"Sure... But tell them the have to come see me later." He says with a smile. 

I run out and start to call their names. I walk towards the boys locker room and they come out, but Scott is all wet. "Jesus guys, You had me really scared! Don't do that again!" I scream as I hit Scott's arm.

"OW! Sorry I was having a panic attack..." Scott replies looking at the ground.

"That's fine but please don't scare me like that. Was it about Allison?" He nods and we walk back to class.



I was watching as Scott and Stiles played. Scott wasn't himself. He was knocked down, but he pushed Stiles back and knocked all the defensive players down, including Danny who got hurt. Danny was the goalie and he was really nice. He was also gay, so it was easy to talk about boys.

I run to the field to check Danny, he is bleeding from a cut on his nose. 

"WHAT THE HELL SCOTT?" I ask as I walk up to him.

He just walks away, so I turn to Stiles, and he shrugs so I go to Lydia and go back to the bleachers.



I had been keeping an eye on Scott, and he was back to normal. Wonder what was wrong... 

Last night the sheriff said that they almost caught Derek. YAY!! Sociopath was almost caught!

So I was talking to Allison about it, and we were both happy that he was almost caught.

"Ya, I just wish that they caught him," Allison says, sighing. 

"Me too. That's a nice necklace, what's it made of?"

"Silver, my last name means silver in french"

Ya, I know. I have an assignment for a class about stories, and that necklace looks like it has a really good story behind it. Could I borrow it for the night and give it back first thing tomorrow?" I ask hoping to hear the story.

"Sure, just make sure to give it back." She says as she leaves.

Then I hear Scott and Stiles talking about a necklace. I ignore it and go to class.

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