Chapter 8: Preparing for the Formal

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"Scott it's not that bad..."

"Yes it is Izzy!! Peter, the sociopath is taking my innocent mother on a date."

"Ok, Ok!! Get Stiles to run into their car? It'll stop the date..."

"Great, call you if anything happens."

"Scott---" uch. He hung up on me!

I put my phone in my pocket as I walk into the animal clinic. I needed a job. I like animals. I hope Scott doesn't get too mad.

"Hello?" I ask, as I enter the clinic.

A man walks out, "We are closed, but how may I help-- you..."

I was wondering if there was a job opening? I'm friends with Scott and---"


"No, I'm Isabella." I say, narrowing my eyes. Who's Katherine?

"Sorry, you look like someone I knew a long time ago. Well since we are closed I can't offer a job, but if you come back in the morning--" He is interrupted by my phone ringing.

"That's fine, I'll answer this phone call and then give you my email and number incase anything happens." I say as I pick up the phone and see Scott's name.

"Scott, what's--"

"Derek is going to kill Jackson. Go to the school before Derek gets to Jackson." BEEP

"I'll just come back in the morning, see you then Dr..."

"Deaton, call me Deaton."

"Deaton, thank you." I say as I walk out. I run to the car and get to the school as quickly as possible.

I look around and see that there are no cars or anyone anywhere. I call Scott and he picks up on the third ring.

"Scott, no one is here."

"I know, Derek is bringing Jackson to the Hale house."

"Fine, I'll meet you there, but Scott?"


"Keep me on the phone, incase something happens."

"FINE" As I am driving to the forest, I hear from the phone that Derek is talking, Jackson is crying and Scott hasn't spoken yet. A moment later I hear punches being exchanged, so I drive faster. Then I hear firecrackers, wait, firecrackers? No, gunshots! So I get out of the car (having arrived) and run towards the gunshots. I see Scott, limping around the trees. He stops and falls unconscious. I see that there is black liquid all over.

I then hear movement and turn around to see Deaton. "What? How did---?"

"I will explain everything, but we need to help him, now!" He grabs Scott and we carry him back to the clinic. When we get there he asks me to open the gate. I walk up to it, but I can't open it. Deaton muttered something under his breath, but I can't hear. He then tells me to grab Scott and put him on the table. Deaton then starts to heal Scott. I help him with getting things.

At some point, Scott wakes up as we are cleaning the wound. He falls asleep almost immediately, giving Deaton time to tell me that he has known about the supernatural for a while.

"Ok, but why couldn't I--" We are interrupted by Scott getting up and someone coming into the clinic. I go to tell the person who came in that we are closed- like Deaton did. Scott grabs Deaton's arm but I keep walking.

When I reach the other room, I see Peter. I go wide-eyed and as Peter is about to say something, Deaton walks in saying, "Isabella, go tend to the animals," I turn around and get to Scott when I hear, "We are closed."

It then seems obvious to me that Peter is looking for Scott so I move Scott to the corner and grab a weapon. About a minute later we hear that Peter had thrown something and accepted defeat. I relax because he is leaving but Scott hasn't. He then starts to turn pale as he whispers, "Allison..." He keeps losing color in his face, but I don't move, knowing he is still there. We finally hear the bell, signifying that the door was opened. We both then relax as Deaton walks into the room.

"What's a doppelgänger? Who is the doppelgänger?" Scott asks Deaton.

Deaton then glances at me as he answers, "There is no time! Go to Allison."

I then get a text from Lydia saying to meet the girls at Macy's. Both of us race to the store and split up. I find the girls dress shopping. Lydia has already gone to the dressing room while I am helping with Allison's dress. All of a sudden, I hear, "That isn't your color."

I turn around and see Peter. Allison looks scared while Peter says, "It doesn't go with your skin tone."

"I can help my friend sir. Are you lost? This is the dress section. Is your wife, or sister, or niece in the dressing room?" I emphasis the niece and sure enough he flinches.

"I'm not lost, but this dress would work see?" He grabs a dress and Allison's hand.

"Thank you for the dress help, Allison, you should---"

"This dress would be perfect for you! Let me show you." Peter grabs my hand and pulls me to the other side of the dress section. He hands me a dress, but hasn't let go of my hand. Allison follows until she says, "Crap that's my car! I'll be back, Izzy." The loudspeaker said something about her stupid car so she leaves me with the psychopath! Peter then chuckles, and whispers something, knowing Scott was listening. He then lets go of my hand and walks away, leaving me with the dress.

I TRIED TO PUBLISH THIS STORY BUT IT DIDN'T SAVE AND IT WAS SUCH A GOOD CHAPTER!! Hopefully I got all the details I wrote in my original draft. UCH


If you like my writing, please feel free to check out my other story- Soulmate.

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