Chapter 30: The Hospital Part 1

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Before the chapter I want to say thank you for 500+ VEIWS!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!

With out further ado, here is Chapter 30:

I wake up and see Ms. Blake. I jump up but scream immediately from the pain. "Scream again and I hurt someone, badly." She hisses and opens a door. I realize that I am at Derek's loft. I want to scream but I am to weak to do anything. I listen from where I am as I try to prop myself up.

"Derek!" The bitch yells.

"I'm here"

"Something happened at the school, ok? I need you to trust me. I need to tell you what happened before you hear it from the others."


"Scott, Stiles," She pauses, giving me time to think of all the crap she has done. "Izzy. Promise you will listen to me, ok?"

"I promise." 

Then I hear nothing for a few seconds, "They are already here, aren't they?" She asks. I hear footsteps and hear Ms. Bitch sigh dramatically. "So they told you that I'm the one taking people?"

"No we told him you are the one killing people!" Scott says. 

"That's right, human sacrifices. Yeah, probably during my lunch hour, that way I can get back to teaching high school english. Perfect sense!"

"Where is my dad and Izzy?" Stiles asks. I can hear the crack in his voice. She took the sheriff? 

"How should I know? Derek, tell me you don't believe this."

"Do you know what happened to Stiles' father?" Derek asks calmly.

"No!" Ms. Bitch says, offended.

"How about you ask her about almost killing Lydia!" Scott yells.

"Lydia Martin? I don't know anything about that." 

"What do you know?" Derek asks.

"I know that these boys, for whatever screwed up reason, are filling your head with an absurd story! And one they can't prove, by the way." I smile, knowing she had lost, even if I die. I look down and see the cuts she made from earlier. They are oozing and there is blood everywhere. I look back up and feel horribly dizzy. 

"What if we can?" Scott asks. I know he is smirking, but I can barely picture his face.

"What is that?"

"My boss told me it was a poison and a cure. Which means you can use it, and it can be used against you."

"Mistletoe..." The bitch whispers before I hear her gasping. "DEREK, wait! You need me!" I guess Derek grabbed her before she could leave. 

"What are you?" He asks angrily.

"The only one who knows where Izzy is, and the only one who can save your sister." Cora? What did the bitch do?!?!?!

"Call Peter, CALL HIM!" I hear Derek call Peter, but start to slip out of consciousness. I don't even hear Derek release her. All I hear is the bitch laughing.


I wake up in a closet and realize that I had been dreaming of what happened at the loft. The fucking bitch made me useless! 

I hear a bunch of commotion outside the door. I hear Derek yelling. The electricity goes out, and I scream. I can finally move and talk. The closet door open and I scream again. "Remember what I said, you scream again, I hurt someone." Ms. Blake says grabbing me. I almost scream again, in pain, but I bite my lip, "Good, control the pain!" She says dragging me towards an elevator. I look back and hear tapping. She looks back as well.

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