Chapter 22: The Beacon Hills National Bank

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The next day we get to Econ. Coach starts talking out the stock market when I zone out. I start thinking and I hear the word, 'risk'.

"You will be dead, and then you won't." Elijah says holding a bottle

"We can kill Klaus, with out Elena dying," I look at Damon, "Bonnie!"

"Not an option, she'll die if she uses that much power." Elena says.

"What about John's ring?"

"I doesn't work on the supernatural. Elena may be human but she is a supernatural occurrence. Odds are it won't work." Elijah says calmly.

"I'll take those odds over your elixir!" Damon yells. "What if it doesn't work?"

"I guess, I'll be dead." Elena says. 

"Hey, Izzy?" I hear Scott say quietly. I jump at his voice and raise my hand.

"Coach can I go to the bathroom?" He nods and continues talking about 'Risk and Reward.' I walk out and walk outside. I call Jeremy.

"Izzy? What's wrong?" 

"Nothing Jer. Just needed someone to bring me back from the flashbacks."

"Oh, well, I'm in class, so can I call you back after school?"

"Ya, talk to you later." I hang up and run to the bathroom. I don't even bother checking for people, I just get into a stall and cry silently.

I finally get up the courage to go back to class. I walk in and almost get back to my seat before coach notices. "Gilbert? You were gone for a long time... What happened to my star student? McCall is catching up to you. What happened?"

"I'd rather not..."

"No please explain it to me."

"Coach, she's uncomfortable." Scott says nervously.

"Shut up McCall. Gilbert?"

Scott stands up, but I put my hand on his shoulder. "Coach, I would rather not talk--"

"Gilbert please explain yourself!" I can feel my tears coming.

I very quietly whisper, "My aunt and sister died over the summer."

"What? Speak louder!"

I look up and he sees the tears, "My aunt and my sister, they died over the summer."

He steps back in shock. I then walk out of the room and get to Derek's new loft. I know he can hear me so I just walk in. I see Derek, Isaac and Peter. Derek walks up to me as I shrink back and say, "Never mind, I'll go." I then turn to run out of the building. 

Derek ran in front of me so I collided with his chest. He wraps his arms around me as I stand still.

"Why did you come here?" Peter asks annoyed. I turn towards him with my angry glare. "Ok, what's wrong?" I walk up to him and punch him. When he tries to grab my throat, I grab his arm and twist it behind him in a flash. Isaac and Derek watch with smiles. 

"I learned a few things over the summer." I say as I kick his leg and hear a crack. "Have fun with the broken leg." 

Derek then explains that Isaac saw Erica and Boyd, but we need Deaton's help to recover the memory. We go over to Deaton's after I explain what happened with Coach. I completely ignore Scott and Stiles as we prepare Isaac for his ice bath. Deaton goes out front to put up the closed sign. It was taking too long so I go out and check. "Deaton, what's--Can you guys go away?"

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