Chapter 39: The Life and Death of Elena Gilbert

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"Please just let me see her!" I say, trying to get around Dr. Meredith Fell. 

"She's fine! She just got a slight concussion." She says.

"But there was blood, and what if she's in pain? I can help!" I say.

"She will be fine. She's just been through a lot."Jeremy walks up behind me, as we listen to Dr. Fell. "Is there anyone you wanna call?"

Jeremy goes off to call Stefan and Damon while I say again, "Please just let me see her and say good bye."

"Good bye?"

"I was leaving after she..." I stop not knowing what to say. "She threw me out and I heard her collapse, so I went to her." I pause again. "Just let me see her, please?" She moves aside and I run in, and sit down next to her, looking at my sister. I sigh and start talking, "Elena, I am so, so sorry. I know I shouldn't have kept what I was from you, but I didn't know how you were going to react. Now that you know, I know that I was really hoping for a better reaction. You know that hearing, 'Get out and never come back' is not something I ever wanted to hear, but if that's what you think is best, I'll leave. But there is no way in hell, I am leaving you until you are out of the hospital and safe." I feel the tears going down my face. "So, I don't care that you hate me, I don't care that you think that I'm a monster." I take her hand. "I'm not leaving."

I close my eyes and open them to see I am back at the house. 

I look around and see Elena walking down the stairs. She walks to the kitchen and grabs the coffee pot. 

"No!" Jenna says as she takes the pot away from Elena. "I'll get in trouble with---"

"With who?" I look back to see me walking into the kitchen in pjs.

"Elena was going to get some coffee so, I stopped her because I would get in trouble with--"

"Good morning." My mother walks into the room and kisses Elena and I on the cheek.

I open my eyes only to hear a familiar voice. "Alaric." I whisper. I quickly call Caroline, Tyler and Matt. They come immediately. "Guys, I heard Alaric and he's coming for Elena. You have to get her out of here. I'll stall him."

"Stall him? Why won't you help Elena? Why not you bring her home, and we stall?" Matt asks. I look down.

"I don't think she wants to see my face right now. GO!" I say, leaving the room as I hear Elena's heartbeat quicken.  

I run around the corner and get into hospital clothing. After Elena leaves, I get into bed and wait for Alaric. I hear the door open and I slowly sit up. "Ric?"

"Where's Elena?"

"What do you mean? I'm right here."

He walks up to me and throws me off of the bed, "WHERE IS SHE?"

"She left, dick." I say, shrugging off my hospital clothing. He grabs my arm and ushers me outside. We get into the car and drive to the grill. He then drags me in where I see Jeremy ordering food. My eyes widen and I try to step back, but Alaric is too strong. He pulls me over and sets two beers next to Jeremy. 

"We need to talk." He says to Jeremy. He sits me down and then sits down on the other side of me. I stand up again as Alaric looks at me, menacingly.

"I need to pee." I say, walking over to the bathroom. I walk in and splash my face with water. I look up into the mirror, thinking of how to get Jeremy away from Alaric. All of a sudden, I am standing outside the house. "What--?"

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