Chapter 41: A Lupa?

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Deaton puts Izzy on the table and examines her. He opens her eyes, only to see her strange green ones.

"What did Stiles call her?" Deaton asks, shinning a light in her eyes.

"A Lupa..." I mutter, looking at Izzy, worriedly. "Do you know what that is?"

"I have heard of it, but only in legend. I don't even think it would be in the bestiary."

She wakes up with a start, and falls to the ground. Her heartbeat goes incredibly fast as she looks around, not seeing us. She then spots us and groans, falling back to the ground.

"Happy to see us, I'm sure." I say.

"Damn it...." She mumbles, "Why is everything so sore?" She groans. She brings her hand up to her face and looked at it. I hear her heart go faster again before slowing down.

"What's wrong?" I ask, helping her up.

"Nothing... What happened? All I remember is going to see Isaac... Why am I here, and not at the hospital?"

I look down as Deaton answers, not missing a beat. "We didn't know what was wrong, so I was called and brought you here before any of the nurses saw you." He's lying? Why?

"Oh, so what was wrong?"

"You must have hurt yourself, because you weren't healing. It was a phycological thing, you weren't letting yourself heal." Deaton says.

She groans and looks to see Stiles on the floor. "What happened to him?"

"He's the nogitsune..." I whisper.

"I know, how did you knock him out?"

"Wha-- How?" I ask.

"Well, I was walking around and went to the---" She stops realizing something. She looks sheepish and looks at her hands. "I, uhh... I went to the power station and I then went to the hospital to see if Stiles was ok, and..."

"How did you know something happened to Stiles? No one called you." I ask.

"Which I am very mad about, by the way. I got a call from him, and decided, 'Why don't I answer one phone call and tell everyone to fuck off.' I picked up and he was---" She stops again, probably remembering the conversation. "He said he was scared and didn't know where he was. I then started running around the woods and heard your parents talking. I then found him, and notified your mom. I ran away, but your dad saw me."

"So you have been here since Stiles' sleepwalked into the woods? And you didn't tell us?" I ask, a little mad.

She looks down and mumbles a sorry, and continues. "Well, when I got to the hospital, I overheard Derek and Kira talking, so I knew that he thought Stiles was possessed. I stayed until the electrical thing and saw Isaac got hurt. I went to get rid of his pain, but some one interrupted. I waited a day, until I had enough strength to help, and went to him. When I got there, I started to take the pain, but I felt this... this thing, spreading inside my gut. It was a very weird feeling. I then remembered some weird riddle, and it echoed in my head. I then fell unconscious and don't remember a thing."

"What was the riddle?" Deaton asks.

"Everyone has it, but no one can take it." She says.

Deaton walks forward with wide eyes. "Where did you hear that?"

"I-I don't remember..." I hear heart beat jump.

"Izzy..." I growl, looking at her with red eyes.

"FINE! When I went to try and wake Stiles, I sort of got into his head..." She looks uncomfortable.

"What? What did you see?"

"Stiles was in a basement and some guy who was wrapped in paper was asking him a bunch of riddles. The basement was like the one he described. The figure started speaking in Japanese, I think. He then started to drag him by a steel trap that was around Stiles' leg. That's where I 'woke up' and saw your parents." She looks down and I can tell she is holding back tears at the memory.

Stiles then bolts awake and starts gasping. She runs over to him and examines him. She stands up and puts a finger over her mouth, and walks back into the shadows. She then walks out of the animal shelter.



I walked over to my apartment and opened my laptop. I wasn't lying to them, but I wasn't telling the full truth. I do remember one thing from the blackness. One word actually.


I look up the many stories on the Lupa, and fall asleep at the computer.


I wake up with a start as my phone starts ringing. I look and see multiple calls to my phone. I listen to the multiple voicemails, and figure out that Stiles checked himself into Eichen house, the insane asylum. I also figure out that the rest of the group is getting some scroll while Chris and Derek are in jail for some Japanese guy's murder. I sigh and go to my room and try to sleep more.

"Everyone has it, but no one can lose it." I turn to see a figure standing there. The figure advances and says the riddle again.

"A shadow!" I scream.

"Good, now, Isabella, who's shadow? What are you my little Lupa."

I jolt awake and see myself in the room. I get to the kitchen and have a big glass of water. I hear a knock at the door and open it to see the figure. I drop the glass and back up.

"LET ME IN!!" He says, knocking me out.


I look around and see Stiles and Malia, the coyote girl, strapped to chairs. Stiles is crying and Malia is passed out. Some guy is about to stick a drill through her scull.

Stiles suddenly screams and falls back against the chair. He then relaxes slowly, and falls asleep. I then see the figure go behind him, and be absorbed into his body.

I stand up, and run over to Stiles. Before I get there, Stiles is standing and is free of the restraints. He walks over and stops the guy from drilling into Malia's head.

He punches the guy, knocking him out. He then walks over to me.

"Hello, my little Lupa." He says, giving me a sick smile. He strokes my cheek but I jerk back. "You should know that I really don't want to do this. Actually," He puts his hands on my shoulders, "I do." I scream in pain as images flood my brain. Lupas throughout history, telling me what they are. I fall to the floor, feeling the blood ooze from my nose and ears.

I suddenly see only darkness as I stand up and walk away with my master, the nogitsune.

Hope you like, sorry it's short... I will have a section on Dark Izzy soon. You will find out what Lupas are, but I am making you wait :)

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