Chapter 7: Finding Out

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"WHAT THE HELL? WHO WAS THAT? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!" I scream and Stiles drives towards the school. "Oh my god, Derek! WE JUST LEFT HIM!! WE HAVE TO GO BACK!! OR CALL THE POLICE OR--"

"We are NOT calling the police, my dad can NEVER know about this!" Stiles says sternly.

"This? THIS?!?! WHAT IS 'THIS'?" I scream.

"I promise that Scott and I will tell you everything when we get to the school." Stiles says.

"Ok, ok, ook..." I say as I attempt to calm down. "Oooooookkkkkkkk"


We get to the school and Stiles runs to the men's locker room with me behind him. We get there and Stiles says, "SCOTT, we have a problem!"

"I know," Scott says turning, "I know."

"Then can someone explain what the hell the problem is? Because I was just at the hospital where some guy, who had burn marks, knew who I was and who Stiles was, and just beat up Derek, who apparently is innocent, no thanks to you two!" I scream. Scott looks at me weirdly.

Scott's eyes suddenly widen, "Why are you bleeding, Izzy?" I start to feel really dizzy and nauseous. I try to say I'm fine, but I black out instead, great.


I wake up in my room in Stiles's house. I slowly sit up and call for someone. No one is home. I walk down stairs slowly and got some water. Then I heard someone open the door and yell, "Izzy?"

Stiles and Scott appear and I smack them. "YOU LEFT ME ALONE! AFTER I BLACKED OUT?!"

"We needed supplies..." Scott replies.

"Fine, now tell me anything and everything that has been going on since I got here, and even before that." I demand, glaring at them.

Both boys sigh and tell me their story. 

Scott starts, "Ok, but don't interrupt. A few weeks before you got here, I was bitten by a wolf. This turned me into a," He stopped, probably to contemplate whether he should tell him. When I glared at him he continued, "It turned me into a werewolf. That means I have super-strength, speed, hearing and I heal quickly. Yes they are real and I can prove it but let me tell you the whole story. I started to know, well, Stiles started to guess something was wrong because when Allison got to school, on her first day, I could hear that she forgot a pen. Then I got way better at lacrosse. I even woke up in the woods one day. When I had my first date with Allison, it was a full moon so I totally freaked out. Derek helped me through the moon. When I was running through the woods during the full moon, I was shot. Derek explained that there are hunters that hunt werewolves. That is the Argent family. Allison's family hunts werewolves for a living. The next day I had a lacrosse game, but when you are a werewolf, it takes a while to control shifting, so when you get angry... You start to shift. The day after that you came, you met Derek. He had wolfsbane poisoning from Kate, Allison's aunt, who shot him. At the animal clinic, where you brought that dog, we cured him. That brings me to the school. What happened was, there is an alpha- the one that bit me, who wants me in his pack. At the school, he dragged you guys there because he wanted me to get rid of my old pack- you guys. We found out yesterday that, Peter- the burn victim, is the alpha. He is also Derek's uncle." 

I take a minute to take that information in. "Elena said that the supernatural existed, but I didn't believe her. Are there only werewolves?"

Stunned, Scott answers, "Don't think so."

"Can you show me?" I ask.

Scott's eyes then change color, from brown to gold. "Wow..." I whisper "So what does Peter want? How can I help?"

"Really? You just find out that werewolves are real and you aren't freaking out?" Stiles asks. 

"Oh, I am. I will explode at some point but after we deal with Peter." I say, determined.

"We don't know what he wants"

Well Crap! 

OK! I NEEDED A FILLER CHAPTER TO TELL IZZY ABOUT THE SUPERNATURAL! She had to find out soon... Another chapter is coming soon.

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