Chapter 36: New Bestie

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I have been staying with Isabella for over 24 hours now, and her pain has not stopped. I have been doing my best to help, but I don't know what is causing it. Her wolf friends come by once in a while to see how she is doing, and they take some of the pain away.

"I have been thinking, and believe that we need to get a witch to see what is wrong." I tell the true alpha.

"Who? Bonnie? Izzy wouldn't want Bonnie to know she's in trouble." He says, looking at her. She then goes into another fit and starts screaming again. Scott takes her hand and takes some of the pain away.

"Do you know what type of pain she is experiencing?" I ask.

"Yeah, it seems like she is being electrocuted." He mumbles before she slumps back down, on the bed. "I have to go to school, and talk to Allison about coyotes, and their stupid habits. Keep me updated." He says leaving.

"Coyotes? Why them?" I ask. He quickly tells me about a young girl named Malia Tate, who may have turned into a were-coyote, killing her mother and sister. "Well, I might be able to help, when Ms. Gilbert is better." I say, as he leaves.


After another hour, the pain stops and Isabella finally stops screaming. I wait for another 15 minutes to see if it would come back, but it doesn't. I text Scott telling him that Isabella's pain has stopped. He texts back that Malia was running around in the school and that he would get back as soon as possible.

I let her sleep while I get some food. I hear a gasp from the other room, and use my speed to get there in a second. Isabella is sitting up and breathing hard.

"Isabella, you are awake." I say as she whips her head towards me.

"What? What happened?"

"You started acting as if you were being electrocuted."

"Oh, what did I miss?" I tell her about Malia, the supposed were-coyote. "I have to go help them!" She says, getting up.

"Don't you think you should rest more?"

"No, I need to help my pack." She says, walking to the other room.

"You need to rest more," I say.

"You need to rest and feed." She says.

"I am staying with you."

"If I promise to stay here while you go and feed, would you do it?"


"Fine, I promise I will not leave." I nod and walk out the door to find someone to eat.


I can't believe he was that gullible! I grab my coat and his phone. I text Scott, asking where he is. He says that they are at the preserve to try and turn Malia back to a human. I rush out the door and drive to the preserve.


I arrive at the preserve and start running towards a gunshot I heard. I see the coyote and run in front of her, cornering her. It turns and starts running towards car wreckage. I follow it and see Scott jump over the car and in front of Malia. I run to the back, surrounding her. I look her straight in the eyes and both Scott and I roar. I see Scott's eyes go red and his fangs and claws come out. I can feel the same thing happening to me.

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