Chapter 5: Jenna's Visit

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"Jenna! I can't breathe!" I say as Jenna puts me down after a big ass hug. "I guess you're happy to see me?"

"YES I AM HAPPY TO SEE YOU, IDIOT! I missed you so much Iz! Jeremy wants you to call him soon though." Jenna replies, smiling from ear to ear.

We go to the car, and we jam out to Pandora. The first song is Rent, from Rent.

"How we gonna pay? How we gonna pay? How we gonna pay, LAST YEARS RENT??????" We both sing at the top of our lungs. We jam until we get back to the Stilinski's house.

"Hey Sheriff! We're back" I scream as we get home. Scott and Stiles come down. I guess the sheriff is at work. "Hey guys, this is my aunt Jenna. Jenna, these boys are Scott and Stiles."

She smiles and asks if they are ok about watching the man die at the school. Everyone got very uncomfortable at the subject so it was dropped. We got Jenna settled in. She was staying for the entire weekend! I am sooooooo excited!

"So Jenna, do you want me to show you around town before dinner?" I ask, hoping to go shopping.

"Sure, can we go to the clothing store first?"

"You read my mind!" We head out and find a bunch of cute outfits for school. All of them had long sleeves or a sweater to pair it with because I don't want people knowing about the scars. We had the best day.

We all go out to dinner; Jenna, me, the sheriff, Stiles and Scott. We go to an Italian restaurant and I dig into the garlic bread. Everyone laughs, "What? It's good." I say, with a full mouth.

"So Jenna, what are you up to now a days? How's your sister?" The sheriff asks.

I choke a little on the bread while Jenna tenses up. The boys see our reactions, and Jenna answers the first question. "I'm taking care of Izzy's brother and sister for now." We all go silent. 

Stiles being Stiles, asks, "Are you their legal guardian?" I know what he was trying to figure out, What happened to that girl's parents?

"I'm their family, so I guess," Jenna says quietly, as I excuse myself to the bathroom, on the way there, I see Allison and Lydia with Jackson. The girls noticed I was about to burst and follow me to the bathroom. There I basically spilled my guts: Why I moved, what happened, and who I blamed- Elena. They never interrupted and afterwards they told me that I needed to get back before anyone started to worry. They help cover up my puffy eyes and we act like nothing happened.

The rest of the dinner went ok. I guessed that when I left, Jenna told them about the accident. We went home and that was the end of it.



Jenna and I were talking and getting ready for bed when Stiles walked in and asked for me.

"Ya, what's up?" He shows me a bottle of alcohol, I nod and walk into the room where Jenna was, "Jenna, wanna go get drunk with Scott and Stiles?" I ask as Stiles yells, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!"

"Hell ya, Iz!" Stiles visibly relaxes.

We all walk out to a place with some rocks were Scott meets us. We all start drinking, only Scott and Jenna are sober-ish. Both Stiles and I get drunk beyond belief. I am going to get the worst hangover tomorrow. Stiles starts to list why he loves Lydia Martin and in his drunken state ask me how I'm doing, from the accident. In my state I just said I was absolutely fine but I blamed Elena. Jenna leaned in to hear why I blamed Elena, because it was the first time she heard of this idea. After that, Jenna took us all home and we got some rest before Jenna had to go back to Mystic Falls.


In the morning I drove Jenna to the airport and was silent. I remembered my accusations I made last night and I knew Jenna remembered.

"Vicki's missing." Jenna says suddenly.

"Vicki Donavan? Oh, poor Matt! I hope they find her soon. What else has happened."

"A lot of animal attacks, pretty much it. Call Elena, she'll tell you."

I drop her off with a hug and go back home to do some work. Jenna's visit was horrible, except for the first few hours. UCH!

I get a text saying to meet Lydia and Allison at Lydia's house. Damn it, they are going to make me talk about it. I go over there and I am greeted by the girls and dragged to Lydia's room. There I see Scott, Stiles, Jackson, and the girls.

"We all came together and wanted to make sure your ok. Thank you for telling us about why you moved. We all," She looks at the boys as she says, "Will keep your story a secret unless we are tortured for it," She said with a smile.

"Aw, guys! Thank you! Group hug!!" Everyone pilled in, but I noticed Allison being as far away from Scott as possible and Scott was as far away as he could from Allison. Weird!

We had a great time, but Scott and Stiles left pretty soon after the group hug. Jackson left next. That left me alone with the girls. We played a round of truth or dare and we talked. I then left and got ready for school tomorrow.

In my dreams, I swear that I was dreaming about school. There is a big banner saying, "Welcome Back to Hell Izzy! Hope You Have a Nice Stay!" uch....

Sorry this is a little short but I needed to get Jenna's visit out of the way. I was regretting the decision because I got yet another idea while in the shower and need to write it down, like NOW!!!! So another chapter will be uploaded shortly.

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