Chapter 19: The Sacrifice

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Scott, Stiles and I walked over to Derek's place. "Derek? I need to talk to you!"

"Derek is indisposed, how may I help you?" Peter says from behind.

"I don't like you. I need to talk to Derek."

"Peter, go away!" Derek says coming from behind him. Peter gives a small smile before walking outside. "What's wrong?"

"I'm going to Mystic Falls for a visit. My sister wants me home, away from the guy who wants the doppelgänger. Care to join?" My phone starts ringing. I look and see that it's the unknown number from before, so I let it go to voicemail.

"Fine when do we leave."

"Next flight out which is tonight at like midnight."

"Great! I'll go get Isaac and we can go." Derek says before I hear the devil himself.

"You need me." Peter says from behind.

"No I don't."

"I know about the guy who is trying to sacrifice you."

"Fine but you're going on a different flight."

"Don't think so," Peter says, knowing he won.

"Everyone meet at the airport at 10:30." I say before leaving to pack.


I get to the gate at 10 pm and sit there waiting. I take out my phone and listen to Elena's message:

"Izzy. You need to get here as soon as possible. We think that Klaus is going to make his move at the full moon. Which is in 2 days. Call when you get this."

I think for a moment. Why the full moon? Who is this Klaus dude? I then see everyone else coming. I see that they brought Allison and her father along. I am so happy there is another girl. I quickly text Elena: >Getting on plane now. See you in 6 hours!

"Glad you guys could join us!" I say to the Argents.

"After we get you to Mystic Falls, we are leaving for the summer." Chris says.

"Cool. Why are you guys so late? I said 10:30 not 11:15."

"We got stuck with parents," Scott says.

"Boarding now for flight 528 to Richmond, Virginia."

We all get on the flight. I get a window seat next to Allison, who is next to Chris. I slept for the whole flight. Before I know it we land and get our bags. We rent some cars and drive down to Mystic Falls.

We all check into the hotel and I head over to my house. Derek, Scott and Isaac follow.

"You really don't need to follow me, I'll be fine."

"Just in case." Derek says eyeing the houses.

"Fine, but don't let my aunt see you. She's a bit over-protective and I don't know if she knows about the whole doppelgänger thing." They nod and go across the street, behind some parked cars.

I sigh and walk up to the house. I am about to knock when Jenna opens the door with tears in her eyes. She looks scared. "Jenna?" She doesn't respond as she grabs my hand and pulls me away from the house. I stop her when we are outside the property line. "Jenna? What's wrong? What happened?"

"Stefan said to get to the boarding house and Elena will explain." She then looks behind me and steps back. I turn around and see a guy, with blood dripping from his neck. He's tall and looks amused. I stand protectively in front of Jenna.

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