Chapter 18: The Kanima and Gerard

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I wake up and I see Derek, "What happened?"

"Peter's back." Everything from the night before comes back.

"Well, crap." I say standing up. I look at my phone and see that Stiles wants to meet me at the station.

"I gotta go, Stiles needs me." I say leaving. Derek follows me out. I'm to tired and weak to argue, so I drive us both to the station, only to see Matt holding a gun at Stiles's head and a dead body on the floor.

The boys start walking away. After about 3 minutes they come back with Scott.

"Derek, run!" I whisper, but he doesn't move, "Derek go NOW!" He still doesn't move. The door then opens, and Derek is facing it. He then falls down onto the floor, and I am left standing.

"Izzy?" I look up from Derek and see Matt looking at me in confusion. I start to act like I know nothing.

"Matt? What are you doing with a gun? Why did that guy fall down? What's happening?" I then feel a presence behind me. I slowly turn around and the Jackson knocks me out.


I wake up to see that Derek and Stiles are on the floor and Scott is talking with Matt. Unfortunately, I woke up with a groan so I was greeted with a gun in my face. "Get up!" I slowly stand up looking at the gun.

"Leave her alone!" Derek says from the floor.

Matt ignores him, "Follow Scott, now!" I walk over to Scott, and we walk towards the front desk, where I see Melissa.

"Mom! Just do what he says. He promised he won't hurt you!" Matt then shoots Scott as I scream.

He then says, "I never said anything about you." He then turns to me, and shoots me in the leg. I scream and slide down the wall.

"Stand up McCall! NOW!" Scott stands up and they start moving towards the cells. He then turns around, "I almost forgot about you. Stay here." He says as he walks away.

When they are out of my sight, I start to move toward the phone. It's hard because of my wound. I then feel a nail go into the wound, and I scream. I look back and see Jackson sticking one of his claws into the bullet wound. I keep screaming and hear others screaming back. Finally feel my body stiffening and fall to the ground.

Jackson then starts dragging me to a closet and locks me in. A moment later I here gun shots outside and I scream for help. I then hear the door opening. I look up and see Elena.

"Elena, what are you doing?"

"Not Elena!" the person says, she then bits her arm and sticks it in my mouth and whispers, "You won't remember this."

I blink and I am able to move again. I start to walk out of the closet with tears. I walk right into Chris Argent.

"Help me!" I say as he looks at my wound.

"Allison!" He yells as Allison runs up and helps me out of the building.

"Is Derek here?" She asks. When I don't answer, she grabs my shoulders and yells, "Is Derek HERE?" I nod and she leaves as Gerard removes the bullet. He then leaves me and goes into the station. I finally relax and a woman walks up to me.

"Hi, there. I'm Katherine. You should get out of here." She looks just like Elena and I.

"How do you look like me?"

"There is no time! I'm here to protect you, come on!"

"From who?"

"Klaus! Now come on!"

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