Chapter 38: Alaric Saltzman

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I wake up and see Derek sleeping in a chair, next to my bed. I look down at my phone, only to see that Elena texted.

> Iz, be careful of Alaric, there is something wrong with him. He has some weird alter-ego and is going after sympathizing council members. I didn't tell you for a long time, because I wanted to keep you safe, but now we don't know where he is, so please, if you see him, run. Stay safe. -El

Ok, don't let Alaric anywhere near me. I get up quietly and get some breakfast. I stay very quiet because Derek is still sleeping. I finish eating and do some work for school. After a while I hear footsteps from the other room.

"Morning." I say, not wanting to face him.

"Izzy..." He says, warningly. I grab my pencil and slowly look back to see Rebekah holding Derek's head.

"How did you get in?"

"The door, of course." She says simply. Something is off about her.

"Rebekah let him go. If this has something to do with Klaus..."

"This has everything to do with Niklaus."

"Why did you call him Niklaus? Don't you call him Nik?"

She sighs and hits Derek's head against a table, knocking him out, "Because I'm not Rebekah."

"Who are you?" I say, backing up.

"Ester." I hear from behind. I turn around and see Alaric standing there with a kitchen knife. "You know, you are worst of all. You should hate the supernatural, yet you willingly became a werewolf. Tsk, tsk Isabella." He says, spinning the knife.

"What do you want?"

"The decade dance is soon and I need the doppelgängers." Ester/Rebekah says, before knocking me out as well.


I wake up in front of the 'Welcome to Mystic Falls' sign. "You are finally awake." Alaric says.

He then grabs my arm and pulls me towards the cemetery. I follow willingly but swear that if he touches my wrist, I will personally break his neck. We get to the big tomb and wait. After a while, I hear some rustling in the wind. I look back and see Elena following Ester, who is back in her body. Elena runs to me as Ester stands in front of a bowl. She takes out a stake and asks Alaric for his ring, which he gladly gives.

"What are you doing?" I ask, holding Elena away from her.

"Making the ultimate weapon," She pauses as she melts the ring onto the stake, "For the ultimate hunter." She says as the silver of the ring, wraps around the stake. "Now I need your blood, Elena."

"No!" She says, from behind me.

"Very well." She says, as she mutters something. Elena then screams out in pain and I see her hand is cut open. Blood then floats over to the bowl and settles in it. I rip off a piece of my shirt and wrap it around Elena's hand. "Ready?"

"All I need to do is drink this?" Alaric asks.

"Yes." He then picks up the bowl, and drinks as Elena screams for him to stop. Ester then takes the stake, and drives it through Alaric. I run over to Alaric, who is already dead. I take out the stake as Ester talks. "He may be himself before he completes the transition, so you can say your goodbyes."

"You want to undo the evil you made? Well, this? This is not undoing it!" Elena yells, with tears in her eyes.

"Alaric will never become what my children became."

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