Chapter 32: The True Alpha

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I am lying on the couch while Derek and Isaac talk about Cora. She isn't doing well and they don't know if she is going to make it. 

Isaac is accusing Derek of doing everything. What the hell Isaac? He has done nothing!! 

They stop talking and listen. I listen to and hear the growling again. But it stops a minute after. 

"I told Cora I wouldn't leave. Not until I help her. After that I will help the others." Derek says.

"THERE IS NO TIME!" Isaac yells. "The full moon is coming, and Melissa and the sheriff will be dead. I am going to help them while you prefect the art of doing nothing." he says slamming the door. 

After what I think is about an hour, I hear gasps from Cora. I then hear Derek breathing hard too. "Careful." Peter says. 

"Don't worry. I know going to far can kill me." Derek replies panting.

"Not what I meant." 

"What do you mean"

"I heard it's something only alphas can do. Wolves never abandon a pack member. They care for it, feed it, give it mental and physical comfort."

"If you are telling me I can save her, TELL ME!"

"I'm telling you that I have heard it's possible."


"It's that spark of power that makes you an alpha. When you take away her pain, she draws from that power that makes you a werewolf. As an alpha, you have more of that power turning your eyes from a bright yellow, to a searing red."

"If I can save her--"

"If," Peter pauses, "If. I didn't say it works every time. It could kill you."

"How do I do it? By taking her pain?"

"And then some. There is a cost."


"I understand why you are doing this, but think of what you will be losing."

"I don't care about power, not anymore." Derek says sighing. 

"What about the power to fight back? Correct me if I am wrong, but Kali's ultimatum still stands. The full moon is tomorrow and you might have a new beta. If you can't beat her as an alpha, how do you think you will do as a beta?"

"I don't care!"

"What if this is what Jennifer wants? What if that's what she was going to make you do at the hospital?"

"Why!?" Derek yells. I feel sorry for him. But I can't move! I have felt my hand twitch a few times, but not enough for someone to notice. 

"So you would go to her! That is part of her seduction and she is STILL seducing you! She needs you on her side."

It then goes silent. I suspect that Derek is sitting with Cora. Peter is probably really annoyed. I then hear footsteps coming over to me. "Now, why aren't you waking up?" I hear Peter say, as the couch sags. I guess he does have a heart. I then feel Peter leave and the door open

"You." I hear Lydia say surprised.

"Me." Peter says.


"Me..." There is a long pause, "Derek, you have a visitor." 

"We know where the guardians are being held."

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