Chapter 23: At The Hospital

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Everyone came by the hospital to see if Izzy was alright. She was asleep for the whole time. Everyone presumed she was ok, just resting. What they didn't know was that all Izzy could see, was her nightmares. Once in a while, someone would notice the tears streaming down her face. All Izzy wanted was to wake up. 

In the morning before school started, Scott and Derek went to see her. They come in and see her crying in her sleep. She hasn't moved for 3 days, except for her eyes, which move constantly under her eyelids. They talk to her, not knowing that she hears everything. They then leave. As they get to the lobby Derek turns around.




Why can't I move! I feel helpless! GOD!!

I hear the wolves leave. I want to scream for them to stay, but I can't. I then hear the door open again and hear Melissa talking to someone. 

I try to move, to sit up. I try and finally I feel my fingers twitch. 


I wake up with a gasp, and start breathing irregularly. Melissa runs over.

"Where am I?" I see Melissa and temporarily forget who she is, "Who are you?"

"Izzy, calm down. It's Melissa, Scott's mom." I start to calm down and I look behind her and see two men. I shrink back into the bed away from the brown and green eyes. "Izzy? These are FBI agents. They want to ask a few questions." I nod and the guys come towards me. Once I can clearly see them, I realize who they are. I am still breathing erratically, but I can talk. 

"Hello, Isabella. What happened?" Dean asks with a killer smile.

"No, no. I don't want to talk."

"Izzy, calm down," Sam says putting his hand on my shoulder.

"No, NO! I need to talk to Derek. I need to talk to Derek!" I scream and run to the bathroom and lock it.  I slide down the door and try to control myself. The guys bang on the door. They finally stop.

I put my ear against the door and listen. I don't hear anyone so I peak out: no one. I walk out cautiously, and hear the bathroom door close behind me. I look back and see that Dean closed the door. I run to the door leading to the rest of the hospital, when Sam steps in front of me. "I'm not talking to you, until I talk to Derek," I snarl at them. 

"Good thing I'm here then." I look at the door where Derek is leaning. I don't move while Sam turns around and takes out his gun. "Put down the gun." Derek says bored. 

"Are you Derek Hale?"

"Yes, why?" I start to back away as Dean joins his brother. 

"We need to ask you a few questions, regarding your family." Dean says cautiously.

"And why is that?"

"Trying to close a case."

"I'd be happy to, in a public area, with witnesses. And not now. Right now, Izzy wants to talk to me." Everyone looks at me as I back into a table. The brothers leave, eyeing Derek. When I am sure that they left, I go over and hug Derek. 

"What am I supposed to say? What are they going to ask me?" I start rambling.

"Say, you were attacked by some person with a knife." Derek says. "You tried to fight them, but they were too quick and strong so you ran to the nearest doctor- Deaton."

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