Chapter 27: RIP Beta #2

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The flight back home was nice. The guy sitting next to me slept the whole time, so I had time to think. All I had gotten out of this trip was that our only weapon against Klaus was gone, and he still wants my blood... Great!

I arrive in Beacon Hills and go straight to Stiles' house. No one was home, so I decided to wait and surprise them. I then go to sit on the couch and watch some tv, until I hear a knock at the door. I stand up and look through the peep hole. I internally groan as I say, "The sheriff is at the station!"

"We just want to talk!"

I open the door to see the Winchesters. "Yes?"

"Can we come in?" Sam asks.

"No, what do you want? I was watching Pretty Little Liars." I say, annoyed.

"We saw you in the hospital and wanted to know what happened." Dean asks.

"Nothing important, I just got a deep cut."

"Everywhere?" Dean asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Good bye!" I sing as I close the door before they can come in. I hear them talking, and I hear them leave. I sigh in relief as they finally leave me alone. After about another hour, I hear another knock. I open the door without even thinking and gasp. "What are you doing here? Klaus will come!"

"Oh, the beauty of having doppelgängers, not Elena. I'm Katherine!" She says with a smile.

"What do you want?" I scowl. I know how much Elena and the Salvatores hate her.

"Just to tell you, we are getting revenge on Klaus."

"Good luck with that. Do what ever you want as long as you don't get Elena hurt." I say, slamming the door in her face.

I sit down and call Elena, "Hey...."

"Izzy! How was your flight?"

"Good, um your 'friend' stopped by..."



"What? Why? What did she do?"

"She said that you are getting revenge? What are you thinking?"

"Revenge? It's the first I heard of it... Katherine probably has something planned, knowing her."

"Ok, just making sure you aren't in any trouble."

"Ok, have fun."

"Bye!" I hang up as the bell rings again. I groan and open the door, "WHAT DO YOU--?" I stop mid-sentence because of who is standing in front of me.

"You're back?" Aidan (one of the alpha twins, as well s Lydia's new secret boyfriend) states.

"When did you get back?" Ethan asks.

"Like a few hours ago... What do you want?"

"Kali is going after Derek because he killed Enis." Aidan says

"We need to stop her from doing anything stupid. Help us?" Ethan asks hopefully.

"Is Scott or Isaac or even Boyd helping?"

"Yes," The twins reply immediately.

"Fine, let me grab a jacket." I run and get a jacket and walk out to the boys motorcycles. I get onto Ethan's and they drive to the school. "Are we meeting them here?" I ask, unsure of what's going on.

"Yeah..." Ethan says slowly. I walk in and the twins go into the english classroom. I peak in and see that they knocked Ms. Blake unconscious.

"What the hell!" I say, running to my teacher. "I thought we were helping Derek! Not almost killing my teacher!"

"About that..." Ethan says with a grin. He punches me in the face and everything goes dark.



"What's a girl gotta do to get you alone, Derek?" Kali says smiling. Ethan and Aidan show up behind her, holding a struggling Ms. Blake. "How about it Derek? You think you can beat me?"

"No! Derek don't!" Ms. Blake shouts. Ethan's claws dig into her neck. "I'm not the only one, I'm not the only one..." She whispers, glancing to something behind the door.

"What does she mean?" Derek thought to himself. He listens and hears 8 heartbeats, one more then there should be. "Who else do you have?" He shouts.

"None, of your business. Now will you fight?" Kali says, smirking.

"I am going to rip your throat out," Derek growled, "With my teeth!" The fighting then starts. Every once in a while, Ms. Blake would scream out.

After a while, Isaac runs over to the twins and throws them into the water. They and everyone else in the apartment is electrocuted. As Isaac shields Ms. Blake, he looks over to what she had been glancing at. He saw an unconscious body. "Izzy?" He asks softly.

He turns back to see that Derek's claws are being held out by the twins, while Boyd is being picked up by Kali. Boyd is then set on Derek's claws and starts to choke. All sound seems to stop as Boyd is impaled. Isaac hears a groan and sees that Izzy is awake. She walks over, unsteadily and looks at the scene in horror. The alphas leave as Kali says, "We are giving you until the next full moon. Make the right choice Derek, or I will kill all of you."

As the twins walk out, Izzy sends them a death glare and they look guiltily at her. Once they leave, she runs out towards Derek and Boyd.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." Derek says and Izzy runs up. He doesn't notice her, until she lowers Boyd down into her lap.

"That feeling," Boyd says as Izzy strokes his hair, holding back tears, "On the full moon. It was worth it." He gasps again, "There's a lunar eclipse, always wondered what it felt like for us." He says as he relaxes into Izzy's arms. She closes his eyes, slowly and shaking as Stiles, Cora and Lydia walk in. Cora runs over and starts to sob over Boyd's body.


I stand up and walk backwards to the steps. I hit them and it seems to bring me back to what's happening. I looks down at my clothes, to see black blood, and the scene before me: Boyd is dead. I then runs out of the building.

I run out into the open and scream, "KATHERINE! COME HERE! BRING HIM BACK! Bring him back!" I scream, falling to my knees, sobbing. I look around and see no one, "KATHERIIIIIIINE!!!!" I scream. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn hoping for that untrustworthy bitch. I turn back around, disappointed when I see Isaac. "KATHERINE!! COME HERE!!" I scream again. Isaac sits down next to me and I fall into him sobbing. "Bring him BACK!" I scream, still hoping Katherine can hear me.

"Shhh," Isaac says, patting my head.

"Why does everyone have to die around me?" I ask looking up at him. "Why can't I do a thing to help them?" He just looks at me sadly as I continue to sob.

Sorry this is short, but I have school and work.... Expect more during the weekends

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