n i n e t e e n

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For a week now, Adam and I have been hanging non-stop. We went to the bar again where Adam performed and we watched a movie as well. On breaks, we would regularly stay together but with Megan being our third-wheel, and I do feel bad about it, but she's not complaining. After all, she will always be my best friend.

"I sense a falter in Adam," she once told me. Megan has this ability to sense if there's something wrong in anything or anyone before it happens. She's usually always right. "I just hope you're wrong for once," I reply. Because Adam makes me feel so real. He makes me forget about all my worries. He makes me want to become a better me and cherish the good things in life instead on dwelling on the bad things. He told me to open my heart to him and I did. He kept his promise. And I don't regret it at all.

I find myself smiling as I'm gazing at my history book in class, day-dreaming about him. The bell brings me back to reality and I grab my books and head out.

"Hey, beautiful," Adam calls out to me as he makes his way toward. His hair is a bit messy and his eyes are full of light. He's wearing his usual clothes. I wonder if he has any color in his closet other than black. He is smiling and I can't help but smile back as he pulls me into a hug. I feel my body shiver and his body relax.

I giggle, "Hi."

He puts me down, and stares into my eyes. My blood is flowing rapidly in my cheeks, making my face as red as ever. He let's out a breath, "how was your class?"

"I guess it was good," I reply as we turn to walk, Adam puts his hand over my shoulder, and I place my hand on his waist.

"So what are your thoughts on bungee jumping?" He asks.

I look up to him as I arch an eyebrow, "I think people who do it are mad."

He smirks, "well then call us mad! We are going to do it this afternoon."

"Are you serious?" I ask, shocked.

"Hell yes! " He says with enthusiasm.

"Hell no!" I say with interjection.

His face features fall into a frown, "why?"

"Because I don't want to have a heart attack, that's why," I reply.

"You won't," he says as he holds my hand, "you have me to push you over, It will be fine."

I open my mouth to argue but he interrupts me,"don't eat anything, I don't want you throwing up all over me," he says as he walks away, a smirk slapped to his face.

Did I just agree to it? I don't think I did but why do I feel like I did?

Dammit, Lesley.

After university ends, Adam finds me again and practically drags me to his car. He puts me in and buckles me up. Immediately, he locks the car. "No running," he orders as he turns the ignition on.

"I don't want to bungee jump; I'm a coward," I tell him.

"Don't act as a vulnerable girl so I can be your hero and sweep you off your feet," he attempts to joke.

I fake a laugh and put my tongue out to him. He laughs.

God, He is a pain in the ass.

"How far is the jump?" I ask.

"Like around 35 feet," he replies. Okay, I think to myself, that's good. I exhale with relief.

As we arrive to the bridge, the food I ate this morning threatens to leave.

"That's not 35 feet! That's 200 feet, Adam!" I yell at him as I look below me from the bridge. My pulse is increasing rapidly, my stomach is hollow, and my mind is rushing with adrenaline. I feel that I'm going to get sick.

Adam laughs and pulls me in into a kiss. His warm lips spark mine and my body is now moving in harmony with my heart. I part my lips and let his tongue smoother mine. For a moment, I forget what I was scared of but then I break the kiss.

"Smooth," I say as I crinkle my nose.

"Well, it did get your mind of it, didn't it?" He smirks.

The instructor, wearing a yellow jacket, yells in our direction, "it's your turn, Romeo and Juliet."

"Can you believe he used Shakespeare on us?" Adam puts his hand over his heart as if he's insulted. "I thought we were more of Bonnie and Clyde," he continues.

"Adam.." I scowl at him.

"Come on," he says as he reaches out his hand to me. I hesitate at first but eventually take it and walk toward the suicide spot.

We are both in each other's arm as we look down. "No, I can't," I shake my head. "I won't," I say as I try to walk away but Adam is holding me tight, not letting me go.

I look up to meet his eyes and say "Adam, if you don't want me to vomit on you, let me go!"

He searches my face, reading me and I see concern sparking in his eyes. He sighs. "Fine, Lesley," he says as he lets go. I turn to walk away but he pulls me back tighter and we fall. My heart drops down, and I go pale. I lose connection with everything solid, secure and familiar. I look down as the wind is ripping through my hair. I'm completely inverted, head down, feet up. I see the water below. It's coming at me and it's coming fast. This is it, I'm going to die today, right now, right this second. I hug Adam tighter than I have ever had while I shut my eyes close. But suddenly, the bungee pulls us back and up. And then we are falling again. I scream and Adam laughs.

"I'm going to kill you, Adam," I yell at him, furious with his actions.

"You will thank me later," he replies.

After several ups and downs, it stops. The lifter holding us by the bungee rope, swings us to the ground slowly. The other instructor gestures us to stand up as he unties the ropes around us. Blood rushes to my feet as I realize that I'm on solid ground, and I have never been thankful for a concrete this much, ever in my life. I glance at Adam and he is grinning from ear to ear. Next thing I know, I'm grinning as well.

God, it's contagious.

At this very moment, I realize that Adam is a blessing to me. The way his eyes shimmer with hope, and his lips puffer with desire. I'm in love with him but I'm too much of a coward to tell him that. My thoughts are interrupted as I hear a splash from behind. Instantaneously, I turn around and air evaporates from my lungs as I take in the sight in front of me.


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