f o r t y - t h r e e

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"Is this the part where you tell me that you're sociopath that's here to kidnap me?" I ask Adam as he turns left, driving toward a narrow dim road of a forest.

He let's out a chuckle. "You just have to wait and see," he teases.

"Fine," I cross my arms to my chest and lay back in my seat. I feel his eyes on me but I ignore him and stare out of the window instead. It's dark and if it wasn't for the tail lights of the car, I'm pretty sure we would've got lost by now. Or maybe we already are.

"We're here," he says as he turns the ignition of the car off. I look around to find nothing but trees and leaves all over the floor; like any other forest. I arch an eyebrow, "you sure about that?"

"We still have some walking to do," he adds. I keep staring at him to continue. "Stop being stubborn and come on," he opens his door and makes his way to mine. I step out as the cold hits me instantly. I let go of a shiver as goosebumps find their way to my body.

Adam frowns, "here, have my jacket."

"No it's okay. I-" he interrupts me by placing his black hoodie around my shoulders. It's the same one he wore the first day I saw him at the shop. It smells like him- like cinnamon and warmth.

"Thank you." A faint of smile is on his face as he takes in the way I look. I wrap his hoodie tightly around me as we start walking. The sound of crushing leaves and branches underneath our feet fills the silence. I sneak several glances at Adam and find him lost in thoughts. I want to know what goes through his mind.

"What are you thinking of?" I ask.

I catch him off guard as his eyebrows frown. "Just wondering how I am going to get you up there," he smirks.

"Up there?" I ask confused but he seems to be focused on something else. I follow his trail of eyes to the top of a medium height tree where a tree house lays perfectly on a trunk. It's camouflaged so at first I struggled to spot it. I stop in my tracks.

"I'm not climbing up there," I say in defense.

"Ofcourse you are," he teases.

"And how are you planning on doing that?" I ask. "There's not even a ladder!"

He dismisses my remark with a shake of his head as he steps closer to me. I can feel the warmth of his body on mine as he leans closer, our faces only inches away. His gaze is on my lips and I uncontrollably lick them.

"Trust me," he whispers. I lean in, wanting to taste his lips yet again, to feel the warmth that strikes my body and soul. But instead he grabs my waist and spins me around. I gasp. He then places my hands on his neck and holds my legs that are wrapped on his back.

"What was that for?" I say, totally caught off guard.

"I told you I will sweep off your feet," he playfully says.

"I didn't think you meant it literally!"

"I thought this was what all girls wanted!" he argues back.

I shrug, "I'm not like all girls."

"I know," he teases and plants a quick kiss on my arm. "That's what makes you special."

It's these kind of moments where I'm thankful  that his back is to faced to me. He then won't see the big grin plastered on my face, making me look like a stupid idiot.

"So, you will give me a piggy back ride, now?" I ask as I adjust myself, holding tighter.

He laughs, probably amused of my behavior. "Just hold on tight," he orders. And so I do as he reaches the tree and starts climbing up. I tighten my grip on him, close my eyes and lay my cheek on his back. His arms and back muscles stretch and flex under my touch. I feel secure and I take in the moment as much as I can.

I don't even realize we reached the top only until Adam says, "you can let go of me know."

I immediately let go and stand on my feet, embarrassed of my distraction. He seems startled as his smirk stretches. I playfully pull my tongue out.

He offers his hand as he laughs. I take it and he tangles our fingers together. I love the way our hands fit perfectly- his swallowing my small delicate one.  I grin to the sight of it and so does he.

"Come on," he bends slightly down, opens the door to the tree house and enters. I follow.

"Watch your head," he says and instructs me in. I take in the sight of me. It's small but not too small. On the floor lays a brown rug and two lamps on a small tea table placed to the right that lights up the room. It's warmer and cozier in here.

"What are we doing here?" I ask. "And what's with you and heights?"

"Did anyone ever tell you that you have zero patiences?" He rolls his eyes.

"I can think of few," I reply in defense. He lets out a chuckle, "you're so frustrating."

"You know, I can just simply go," I point to the small tree house door. "Take you out of your misery," I say as I take two steps closer.

A big grin is plastered on his face as he teases, "and how are you planning on going down?"

"I'll come up with something, eventually," I say.

"Really?" He smirks.

"Yeh, probably slip on my way down, break a leg or an arm, and then you'd have to take me to a hospital," I lay down my options. "And then, you'd see how frustrating I can actually be," I threaten.

He sits on the floor and pads the rug, "sit." I sigh in defeat and take a seat next to him. He grabs my hand again and smoothers his thumb on my palm, making little circles. "This is where I used to come and practice my guitar. My uncle helped me build it. It took us almost two months to finish and after that, it became my studio. On occasions, my brother used to join me and we would fool around," he smiles, remembering one of those moments. I try to indulge the idea of his relationship with his brother. But every time Lucian's image comes to my mind, I feel my stomach tighten.

"After my mother passed away, I found myself coming here, every day. It was my mean of escape," he shrugs. I stay quite, urging him to go on.

"It's been a while now, though," he adds.

"How so?" I ask.

"I don't know. I guess I found some other mean of escape," he smirks to my direction. I feel my cheeks blush. He reaches for the strand covering my face and tucks it behind my ear.

"Beautiful," he whispers.

I'm absolutely red now. My profile is faced to him as I look down, too shy to meet his eyes. He then leans closer and plants a warm kiss on my cheek. It tingles it's way through my body.

"Come," he orders as he opens his arm. I climb on his lap and place my cheek on his chest, his heartbeats filling my ear.  He wraps his hands around me and plays with my hair.

This moment is gold.

"I love you, Adam."

He kisses my forehead, "I know."

We stay there, laying in each other's arms. This is what I needed after a long long day. Him. He's my addiction and I can't seem to get enough. Eventually, I won't be able to retreat so I'll give up anything for him. That's what scares me the most. He was right- I am a coward.

I keep struggling to keep my eyes open, to take in this moment. But after a while, I give up and allow my eyes to shut. I can feel his chest rising, breathes increasing, and grip tightening.

"Lesley," Adam whispers as he smoothly strokes the strands of my hair that fell on my face. I endeavor to reply but I'm on the edge of sleeping.

"I need to tell you something," his voice comes out faintly in the background. And that's the last thing I remember before falling asleep.

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