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Sky's POV.

My teacher, Mrs Potter droned on and on whilst I scribbled over the front of my textbook. On an average day, I loved school, and I guess you could call me a bit of a geek but today distractions seemed everywhere.

My name is Sky-Leigh Benson and I'm 14 years old. It's just me and my Mom now. When my mom got pregnant with me, my dad left. Me and my mom are pretty close and more like best friends rather than mother and daughter. My mom works for the NYPD Special Victims Unit and she's helped loads of people. I miss her when she works, but I know she loves her job, and I can always count on her so I don't complain.

Finally, the bell rang for the end of school and I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I shoved all my belongings into my bag and ran out of the door, knocking Mrs Potter's books from her hand.

"Sky Benson!! Look where you're going!" Mrs Potter yelled.


As soon as I arrived home, I slung my school bag across the floor and opened up my laptop. I headed straight to my emails where 2 new messages waited for me.

Hey hun,
Wondering if you wanted to meet up for a coffee date tomorrow? Mom said I could get those new ballet shoes that I saw last week.
Hit me back!!

Rebecca Anderson aka Beks, is my best friend.
She goes to my school but she's in the year above so we hardly get to see each other. We sometimes spend lunch together but lately she spends most of her time in the dance studio. Bek dreams of becoming a professional dancer and spends all her spare time training. I emailed her back saying I'd see her tomorrow and opened up my next email.

'Hey sexy,
Nice to meet you. I'm a 15 year lad whose looking for a nice girl to call his own. Wondering if you could be the one?
Message me back.

I stared at my screen, smiling from ear to ear, a boy had never taken interest in me before. Most of the boys who go to my school avoided me because they knew my mom worked for the police. Guess they must think my mom will arrest them if they go near me. I stared at the words for a few more minutes before I started to type my reply.

'Hey Jakthelad,
I'm Sky and I'm 14 years old.
Tell me a bit about yourself?
Hope to hear back.

As I hit send, the front door opened. I slammed my laptop shut, knowing my mom wouldn't approve of me talking to strangers on the internet. Her job causes her to see the worst in situations, it seemed better not to tell her, and besides I'm always careful.

"I'm home!" My mom shouted through the apartment.

"Hey Mom." I shouted back.

"Hey sweets." She said, giving me a squeezy hug. "How was school?"

"Oh you know, same old. How was work?"


My mom meant everything to me. She'd never let me down, and always made sure she spent time with me. I don't know how I'd survive without her, and I prayed I'd never have to.

"What do you want for dinner?" Mom asked.

"Spag bol." I said, licking my lips.

"Spag bol, it is!" Mom said, laughing.

I left Mom in the kitchen and went back to my laptop, I had another message from Jakthelad.

'Hey hun,
Well I'm 15 years old and I live in New York. I'm a typical teenage lad and love cars and gaming.
Tell me a bit about yourself. Here's a pic of me.

The picture showed a teenage boy with short brown hair and the most beautiful brown eyes. I typed my reply with shaking hands.

'I'm shy and I love writing and maths. I like meeting new people and the colour purple.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Peter's POV.

I needed this girl, her gorgeous long brown hair and big blue eyes, she was perfect, they'd all love her.

I typed my reply back to her and shut my laptop. I had to soften her up first, gain her trust, before I set my plan in motion.

I'd taken a huge risk going after Sky-Leigh Benson. I knew who her mother worked for, and knew they'd  hunt me down.
But this girl - I had to have her, what's life without a little risk anyway?

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