Twenty Two.

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Sky's POV.

I think it's been 2 days since I got here, maybe more, I'm not exactly sure. It's like I left half my brain in Central Park. I miss my mom, and I wanted her to take me in her arms and never let me go.

My neck cracked as I sat up, and the room span around for a few seconds. When the world had righted itself, I noticed that Bonnie was no longer in the cell. Suddenly, I felt much more afraid and exposed without her by my side. I'd only known her for a short time, but she'd become my closest companion and friend. I prayed that wherever she'd gone, she was ok.

Exhaustion rippled through my body and I had to fight the urge to lie back down and go to sleep. I wanted to be alert, so I could be ready if anything bad happened.

A few hours passed and my eyes were about to give in to sleep, when I looked up at the bars. Harriet stood there, her arms crossed like I'd done something to piss her off.

"Where's Bonnie?" I demanded.

"None of your damn business." Harriet replied, as she unlocked the padlock on my cell.

"Get up." She said.

I didn't move. Instead I stared up at her with defiance in my eyes. She stormed over to me, and yanked my arm so hard I thought my elbow would dislocate. She unlocked the chain around my leg and dragged me across the room.

"Hey. Let go of me. You're hurting me." I screamed, pain spasming through my body.

Harriet stopped, and shoved me against the wall. Pain shot through my shoulders as she tightened her grip on my arms.

"You need to learn some manners, young lady." Harriet spat, her breath smelt of stale cigars and beer. "You have no idea who you're dealing with."

Harriet let go of me, and shoved me into a room a little way down the corridor. She slammed the door behind me.

It was a small room, and the stench of chemicals hit me as soon as I entered. My legs were shaking so bad, I don't know how I stayed upright.

A cardboard box sat on a table in the middle of the room. Confused, I hobbled over to it and peered inside. I lifted some red underwear and a box of hair dye out.

I sunk to the floor in despair. I couldn't believe this had all been for a boy who didn't even exist. I'm an idiot, a stupid fucking idiot.

A few minutes later, a girl who looked not much older than me walked into the room. She didn't say anything at first, she just mixed the hair dye and lay the underwear out on the table.

"I'm Sky." I stated, hoping I could appeal to her soft side so she would help me out of here.

She still said nothing, but she seemed nervous so I tried again.

"I'm Sky. Can you help me get out of here?"

The young girl paused, then lifted her head and looked me in the eye. She had a pretty face and she didn't look angry like all the others.

"My name is Maria, but we can't talk or I'll get in trouble." She whispered, looking around with anxiety.

"Do you live here? Can you go outside?" I asked, hoping and praying Maria could be my way out.

"I'm not a prisoner. Peter is my dad."

I stared at her in shock. I couldn't believe Peter was forcing his own daughter to assist with his evil plans. Maria didn't give me the impression she wanted to do this. She shook the hair dye bottle and applied it to my hair. It was cold, and my eyes watered from the chemical stench.

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