Twenty Five

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Amanda POV.

We arrived back at the station 15 minutes later. I felt bad for yelling at the girl like that but time wasn't on our side. I told Olivia to sit the interview out. She tried to put up a fight but she agreed to stay on the other side of the glass.

"Detective Rollins?!" Nick yelled across the squad room as I marched in with the girl.

"This girl may have information on where Sky is being held." I said.

"I don't like this, Amanda. You need to take a chill pill or I'll chuck you off this case. You have one hour."

I sighed a breath of relief and walked into one of the interview rooms. The girl slumped down onto a seat.

"So, first things first. What's your name?" I said, trying to keep an even tone to my voice.

"Maria." She muttered.


She glared at me and her eyes revealed a mixture of fear and anger. Normally, I'd feel sorry for her but with Sky missing, my priorities had shifted.

"Surname?" I said, a little more forcefully.

"Mack." She whispered.

I stared at her in shock, I couldn't believe this monster had a daughter. I sat down on a chair opposite her, and Maria averted her eyes to the ground and refused to look me in the eye.

"I'm sorry we didn't get off to the best of starts." I said, my voice softening. "It's just my goddaughter, she's missing and we really need to find her."

Maria looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Do you mean Sky?" The girl asked.

"You know Sky??" I said, my voice shaking.

"Yes. Peter is my dad and he'll be so angry if he knows I gave him up." Maria stuttered. "But that girl, Sky. She's in danger. Peter has took a special interest in her and that always ends bad. Please, I don't know a lot but I'll tell you whatever you need to know."

"Where is he keeping the girls?" I asked, leaning forward in anticipation.

"I don't know." Maria looks at me with a guilty look on her face. "He takes me there blindfolded. Says if I don't help him, he'll kill my daughter."

Anger bubbled in my chest, but I refused to let it take me over. This girl is a victim too, I know that deep down.

"Sky, is she ok?" I asked.

Maria nodded.

"For now. I met her a few days ago and she asked me to get a message to her mother. She looked so scared. I hate him, I hate him so much. I don't want him to hurt anybody else."
Sky's POV.

I woke up to Harriet yanking me up, then dragging me down the corridor. My eyes burned with exhaustion, every bone in my body ached, and my heart thudded against my ribcage.

Harriet threw me into a room and I flew into the wall, my arm seething with agony. Five men stood on the other side of the room, a sick look glistened in their eyes.

Their dirty hands grabbed at me, and one of them shoved me down onto a mattress. For a while, I lay there and stared into the camera, my eyes pleading and scared. Somehow I knew SVU would be watching. I wanted to let them know that I was ok, that I could stay strong through this.

But an hour passed and then another, and still the men ravaged me. I couldn't take it anymore, the panic and anger rose in my throat, and I exploded.

"Let go of me you filthy animals." I screamed, shoving one of the men away from me.

Peter appeared from behind the camera, his face a picture of disappointment and rage.

"Now, now Sky. Play nicely." He said, wagging his finger in my face.

I stood up and ran towards the door. I don't know why I thought I'd get away from them, they were stronger than me.

"We have a live one boys." Peter laughed.

He charged over to me and grabbed me by the shoulder, I heard it pop and pain shot through my arm.

"Harriet, go and get our dear friend Bonnie. And then we'll show young Sky how we do things around here."

Harriet disappeared through the door. I stood there, my body shaking. Five minutes later, Harriet came back into the room with Bonnie at her side.

Peter grabbed Bonnie by the hair and dragged her towards me. Bonnie's eyes looked empty, like she'd given up, or had gone into her own world to protect herself from Peter.

"Sky." Peter started. "We don't fight around here. We do what Peter says, or people get hurt."

That's when I saw the knife he held in his hand. I dived towards him, but it was too late. He plunged the knife into Bonnie's stomach, and he stabbed her over and over again.

"What are you doing?!" I screamed, as tears streamed down my face.

I watched the horror unfold right in front of me. This happened because of me, this happened because I couldn't just shut up and be quiet.

"All you needed to do was behave Miss Benson. This is on you. You're a murderer." He spat, as he flung the knife to the ground.

He smiled at me and beckoned for the men and Harriet to follow him out of the room. When they'd left, I fell to my knees, and crawled towards Bonnie's lifeless body.

I turned her around so I could see better. Her skin looked deathly pale, and she choked on the blood that poured from her mouth. She looked up at me with desperation in her eyes, and my heart shattered into millions of pieces.

"Your sister." I choked, horrified at the thought she'd never see her again. "When I get out of here, I'll tell her how strong you were, that you were brave, that you didn't let them win. I promise. I promise Bonnie. I'm so sorry."

She looked up at me with grateful eyes, like she was telling me it was ok. I placed my hands over her stab wounds, but deep down I knew it would do no good. I pulled her onto my lap and stroked her hair. This happened because of me, I couldn't let her die alone and scared.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you so please don't take my sunshine away." I sang quietly.

I'd only known this girl for a few days, but I felt like I'd known her my whole life.

"I'm so sorry Bonnie. You were so good to me, you were my friend. I'm sorry I let you down. Please forgive me." I sobbed.

The next time I looked down at her, Bonnie had gone. I will never forget the look in her cold, dead eyes.

I didn't care what happened to me after that. I knew I could never get back the person I used to be before all this started. I had become a murderer. Bonnie had died because of me.

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